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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Dimeny Beata on 23-08-2013 02:07:07 AM

I'm trying to call a CTI Port through a SoftPhone. The CTI Port is monitored by an application. 
When dialing, after a few seconds the SoftPhone reports a Busy state and disconnects after a while.
The first state which is received by the application is the IDLE state. 

Is there a timeout for no answer, which has to be set to avoid this early statetransition?

I've checked also, that OnNewCall event the state is OFFERING. Should I accept the call at this moment? In this case the call rings out at the CTI Port.
Another question, if the CallManager is set up with a hunt list, the calls are distributed to the added CTI Ports. The call can be accepted only by the owner. If so, it is possible to answer the call on another CTI Port. 

Thank you.

Subject: RE: TapiCall - IDLE state and Owner
Replied by: David Staudt on 23-08-2013 11:24:46 AM
For CTI Ports and CTI Route Points, the call must be 'accepted' (LineAccept) after initial offer within 4 seconds (default) or the call is terminated by UCM (fast busy.)  IP Phones automatically accept calls as soon as the offer is made. 
Can you elaborate with some more details on your Hunt List scenario?  Note that support for CTI-controlled Hunt members is a fairly recent feature (8.0), in case you are using an older UCM version...

Subject: RE: TapiCall - IDLE state and Owner
Replied by: Dimeny Beata on 28-08-2013 09:01:04 AM
Thank you for your help!

Our task is to write an application for call handling. 
The incoming calls should be distributed to several users. And the user should have the possibility to monitor the incoming calls and to answer to these calls. 

After searching in the Cisco documents we thought that a Hunt List and a Hunt Pilot would be a good choice for our purposes.  
So we have a Hunt List wich contains a LineGroup with Broadcast Distribution Algorithm. As group members we added 2 CTI Ports. There is also a Hunt Pilot, and the Hunt List is added to this Hunt Pilot.
When the Hunt Pilot number is called, the call is distributed to the given CTI Ports. Is this configuration OK?
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