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Problem Description

Unable to see the caller name on the IP phone for inbound calls on Cisco CallManager Express with the PRI . On a Cisco CallManager Express, the phone number of the caller appears on inbound calls for the Primary Rate Interface (PRI), but the name of the caller does not appear.


Caller ID in ISDN Network

ISDN networks, caller ID (sometimes called CLID or ICLID for incoming calling line identification) is a feature offered by a central office (CO) to supply calling party information to subscribers. Caller ID allows the calling party number and name to appear on a device such as a telephone display.

Problem Type

Issue in displaying the Calling/Caller Name on the IP Phone for Inbound calls when the Device Type is PSTN/PBX or voice gateway connected in the network.


Call flow and Direction:


PSTN/PBX/gateway > IP network CME with PRI connected. In order to fix the problem, use the isdn supp-service name calling command in interface configuration mode under pri D channel interface..




To enable the display caller-name identification for calls that originate on an ISDN network, perform the following configuration under the D channel serial interface.


isdn switch-type primary-ni


# configure terminal

interface serial 0/0/0:15

isdn incoming-voice voice

isdn supp-service name calling



Related Information

Caller Id Display in H.323 Gateway


PBX connected to Voice Gateway using PRI


This link gives you similar kind of call flow from PBX - Voice GW using PRI configuration and "isdn supp-service name calling" is enabled for Caller Name display.

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Could you improve the English grammar?

And, calling name  is not an "analog service" as mentioned.-

Hi Paolo

Thanks for your feedback. I have made the corrections.

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