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Created by: Manuel Michel on 18-03-2013 03:26:12 AM
Hi Guys,
I have a question which came up last week in a WxS workshop with a customer.
Users, which getting disabled in the AD server, getting also disabled in Wxs when the LDAP integrfation is configured correctly. AFAIK, if the AD administrator deletes the user in the AD, the user is still in the WxS system as disabled - to prevent to have posts which are not anymore associated to any user. What happens, if after e.g. 2 years the AD administrator 'recycles' the user ID for a new user with the same name? Will WxS enables the same user again? I have no system here to test, but maybe somebody have already played around with that.

Subject: RE: User IDs in Wxs
Replied by: Kalin Sheytanov on 18-03-2013 05:54:56 AM
Hello Manuel,
I also haven't personally tested this, but LDAP sync logic uses GUID to uniquely differentiate/identify user accounts and I think as long as the guid matches with the one existing the Webex Social db, the account will be enabled and updated.
Let me know if more info is needed.

Subject: RE: User IDs in Wxs
Replied by: Manuel Michel on 18-03-2013 11:15:41 AM
Thanks for the answer! So that mean, if I create a new user with the same user Id as a user before, WxS would recognize that this is a new user based on the GUID and will update the account in the RDBMS DB - and therefore remove the association to existing posts of the old user?

Subject: RE: User IDs in Wxs
Replied by: Ratnadeep Ray on 04-04-2013 02:01:23 AM
Manuel Michel:
Thanks for the answer! So that mean, if I create a new user with the same user Id as a user before, WxS would recognize that this is a new user based on the GUID and will update the account in the RDBMS DB - and therefore remove the association to existing posts of the old user?

Hi Mauel, 
I checked this in our lab. I created a post with an existing user and then deleted that user from the AD. Again the added that user with a different email id and having all other attributes same. But surprisingly, I still see the post created by the user previously to be associated with him now also. 
Not sure what is causing this. 
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