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Appeal to change ratings....please

Level 8
Level 8

This is an appeal to Dan as I know if anyone can make this happen it is him 

Recently which you may have seen is that someone rated an esteemed member a 1 for what was clearly very helpful information. This was clearly a snipe rating and almost caused them to consider stop posting. I think this community should remove the rating levels 1 and 2 as they serve no purpose except to give some a way to degrade a poster. If someone does not like the response to their question than they just need not rate them. If there is some logic as to why they should remain please let me know.

Now you may say it gives a way to flag an incorrect answer or a bad recommendation. Well there is a way this could be handled, someone who see that could send that information to the moderator to be removed if it incorrect information or if it would cause damage. or if that were too much to have to deal with which it could be I am sure the experts here would catch that and flag it by posting a warning.

If this is possible please lets work on that.

Thank you


30 Replies 30

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Mike (Cross-over Burleyman),

You have have my "FULL" support here my friend!! The removal

of 1&2 point ratings is a very simple solution to this issue. If you've

ever put your heart into trying to help someone and they respond

with a nice "1 or 2" point rating ..............................well it is almost enough

to make you want to say screw it! I'm out of here! Which is not what we

want for our fellow NetPros It's just not worth keeping them around.



paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I have been thinking about this idea, and now I support it.

Please, make it happen.

Daniel Bruhn
Level 8
Level 8


I'll socialize this with the rest of the team and get back to you.  I'm just trying to ensure we don't have any unintended consequences.  No promises, but I'll see what I can do.



Cheers, Dan


Thanks for your help on this, it is very much appreciated.



I just posted about this in the "troll" thread and will say mostly the same things again here. I would advocate for keeping the 1 and 2 ratings in the system. Partly this reflects my belief that for something to be perceived as "good" it must contrast with something that is available that is not good. If 3 becomes the lowest available score, then physologically it becomes not so good. If you think about it in the proposed change the rating system becomes:"give 1 star, or 2 stars, or 3 stars" because the rating window would only have 3 choices. And one star becomes not very good.

I also believe that the psychological dynamics of rating on a 3 point scale are different from rating on a 5 point scale.

It is unfortunate that the 1 (or 2) ratings are sometimes given inappropriately. But I believe that this is part of the dynamic of being in a community. In a broad based community some members are more capable and some are less. Some members "get it" better and some do not. I believe that the dynamics of a broad based community will correctly identify and reward the high quality posts though there will be some mistaken ratings along the way.

And I advocate for maintaining the 1 and 2 because I believe that there are some posts that really are not helpful (and sometimes just wrong) and they deserve the 1 rating.





Hi all,

It took me some to decide whether I want those evil ratings gone, but now I have made my mind: please, make them go away ASAP! I don't want tension in this forums and it seems that the best those ratings can do is just that. They also make possible for some people to launch an attack to the community (intentional or not, it doesn't matter) or potentially harass a top member during the competition for points.

If a post deserves recognition 3,4,5 is ok. If not, we have the impicit 0-rating. If you think something is wrong, go ahead and post the correct answer. If something is unacceptable, use the "abuse" link.

Keep Paolo happy, ok?

Kind Regards,


Just a side note on something I just noticed that could be a factor why sometimes someone new rates a 1...and boy am I slow....I don't know why I did not pay atttention to that fact before.

When you go to the fifth star it says Extremely Helpful but it points to the first star ( as they all do) but I guess it could be possible that someone goes to the fifth star and sees that it points back to the first one they just choose that.....just a possiblity.



Hi Mike,

You imply you changed your mind about your own idea right at the moment where I decided to so eagerly support it?

When the new site had been launched, people had reported the issue you describe (if I remember correctly, even Rob had made that mistake with one of Jon's posts ). To some extent this issue was addressed with a document desribing ratings. Anyway, despite this fact, there are other reasons that one may rate a post with a 1. For example, new users sometimes feel they need to rate each and every post and do not know that 1 is considered an insult. So, they rate with a 1 posts in initial phases of a discussion (e.g. when member asks about config etc and tries to collect more information about the issue). I don't think this is done with bad intentions. They are just not familiar with how things work. In such cases I would suggest we politely inform the user about how things work instead of telling them they are ungrateful.

Now, regardless of the reason why someone rated a post with a 1, I believe we should try to maintain a peaceful environment or, I can assure you, a lot of people will want out. If for any reason I need to read insults from either side of a story, I can browse the comments on youtube instead of coming here. If we can't have peace because of the 1&2 ratings, I want them gone. If we can let some things just go and maintain peace, then I do not care if 1&2 ratings exist. I'll do my best to avoid them anyway! As I said in another discussion, those ratings can help regulars to police themselves and treat authors with respect. They also encourage people who post answers to sit back and think about the correctness of their answers before posting, so they contribute to having better quality of posts. If those ratings are gone, then I'm worried about other issues...

Kind Regards,


Maria....I would never change my mind against you..... I was just reading through the posts for and against and it got me thinking I may have over reacted. I had a similar issue here right at the same time. I had just finished up a 88 hour week with 46 hours of it working Friday, Saturday and Sunday with not much recognition and no...I don't get over time or comp time  . So when I saw the issue with the slap of a low rating I went off a little and may have had a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, what it totally not like me. But when I saw someone ready to stop posting who I use all the time for their knowledge, I thought I should weigh in to support them. What ever happens I am sure of one thing Dan and his team, whatever the change or no change, will make the best decision for this community as a whole and I will totally support that and will never bring up ratings again.


Hi Mike, sorry, I totally missed your post, although I must have rated it during my spree of ratings! Well, what can I say? If people can rate helpful posts with a 1, why can't I rate a post I haven't even read with a 5? I bet not many members will open a case to Dan about this!

Yeah, I know, Paolo is a valuable member or this community. This is not an easy situation for one to handle. With a little bit of good will and forgetting the competition for points for a while (can you guys do that? ), we can rectify unfair ratings with our own votes. Just be careful to not accidentally give a second 1 to a single post of Paolo instead of a 5 or we will be in major crisis situation!

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hello all

Just thought I would jump back in for a moment here. I thought the

nice/thoughtful submissions to this never-ending question were

really excellent.

Dan....thanks for jumping in on this (+5). As always, you are the

"voice of reason" here and continue to be the driving force behind

the CSC. glad to see you weigh in on this issue (+5). Your wisdom

has made me look at the other side of the argument and you have

some excellent points for keeping the 1&2 point ratings. I have to

respectfully disagree, but I know where you are coming from my friend., so great to have you back in the "Gang"! I think your sage

advice on this subject really captures the essence of the issue (+10).

I don't really care too much whether the 1&2 point ratings stay or go. But,

as you so gracefully captured,I don't want to see the overall kind and generous

feel of the CSC change. Once that changes, this won't be a place I'll be a part of.

Mike....thanks again for opening up this conversation. YOU ROCK! (+10)

I very much like your reflective look at this touchy subject. There is no perfect

solution here, but it is a subject worth revisiting every once in awhile

We have all felt the 1&2 point slap, but WTH it's not the end of the world.

From your great lead, when I receive one of these ratings, I will put on my

best ZEN face and move on with the task at hand. Which is learning from the great

people here and trying to help wherever possible.



Hi all,

Rob, you are right, some +5's are needed in this thread, so we can all all feel better and forget about the +1's for a moment!

The last couple of days I had been browsing discussions to see how often the +1's and +2's occur. And it seems they happen too often. Members who post more often than me have many more chances of being slapped, but still I don't recall this happening so often in the past. Has anything changed lately or is it just me who hadn't noticed this? I have tried to rectify situations I came across and I can say one thing: boy, I'm tired and I also feel beaten- up. Perhaps if Paolo had given me a couple of 1's earlier, I might have sympathized earlier with the situation! Hey Paolo, I believe you received enough points from me lately to keep you relaxed for some time!

Until we figure out what can be done further with this issue, I would suggest the 3 following workarounds (choice depending on personality and mood of the moment):

1. let it go

2. politely inform authors about the community consensus about 1&2 ratings e.g. "Please be advised that, in this community, 1&2 ratings are intended for impolite posts or posts with severe errors"

3. if members notice another member being slapped for no reason, try to rectify the situation (preferably without much noise)

Kind Regards,


My expertise is wireless. I dont know if you guys have the same issue on your sections, but people just dont rate helpful and informative post anymore, period. At least not in the wireless forum anyway. I would be happy with a 1 star! If i got a 1 star for each helpful post i did on the wireless board i bet i would be neck and neck with Rob!


I say keep the 1 - 5...

"Satisfaction does not come from knowing the solution, it comes from knowing why." - Rosalind Franklin

Hi George,

You're making me feel bad here.  I'm going to have to give you a +5   I can assure you our ratings haven't dropped on CSC.  The problem is it seems to be either a lot of ratings or very little.  There is no in between.  My theory is ratings beget ratings.  If a member goes to the wireless topic and sees little to no ratings they are much less likely to rate content.  That is why I always recommend rating valuable content you come across even if you didn't pose the question.  When other members see ratings they are more likely to rate as well.



Cheers, Dan
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