I'm trying to reconcile daily data for CallsOffered to the call's end state (using the Call_Type_Interval table).
Currently we are using that CallsOffered = (or should equal) = CallsAnswered + TotalCallsAband + ReturnRing + ReturnBusy + ReturnRelease + OverflowOut + ErrorCount + IncompleteCalls + AgentErrorCount + ShortCalls + CallsRoutedNonAgent + CallsRONA
Based on the link below, this is incorrect/incomplete. We should be using CallsHandled instead of CallsAnswered, and we also need to add in (ICRDefaultRouted + NetworkDefaultRouted + NetworkAnnouncement).
Making this update still does not reconcile the numbers.
For our reporting, we need Offered = Answered + Abandoned (where any call that was not Answered is automatically counted as Abandoned, if it is part of the Offered number).
What is the cause of the discrepancy here? Is it due to the difference in CallsHandled vs CallsAnswered? Is it because of calls going across the midnight timeframe (as we are capturing data on a daily basis?)