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CCE Web Administration - Active Directory issue when managing agent attributes

Mark Cockrell
Level 1
Level 1

I am experiencing an issue when managing agents (supervisors specifically) in CCE Web Admin.  When attempting to add / remove / modify an Attribute for a supervisor agent we are getting an error that the supervisor must have a valid active directory account.  (Screenshot attached)  The agents that this is affecting are correctly configured in ICM as a supervisor and ICM was able to successfully move their AD account into the 'Config' AD Security Group.  From looking at the logs on the AWS it appears that the Web Admin tool is attempting to lookup their account in AD via UPN by appending their username to the domain name.  

Log Snippet: supervisorUserInfo.userName: Could not find user. Check if a domain account exists for UserName@DC.Domain.COM


This isn't going to work for some users in our account because we have multiple suffixes in our domain.  (Our domain is a single forest and I'm not aware of a requirement to have a single suffix.)

I'm curious why it wouldn't use samaccountname which is what I believe ICM Configuration Manager is using.  Has anyone else experienced this issue?

1 Reply 1

We're having this same issue as well.  The fix that I've found is that you need to match the agent's Login name to the login name in Active Directory.  For example, if you have as the login name in Active Directory, you need to have in the Login name in the on the Agent.