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Cisco UCCX issue. "Selected IP phone Agent service is not active" on the phone"

Level 1
Level 1

Dear All,

I am facing an issue with IPCC agents login. Mostly on every week, my agents does not work. On Cisco IP phones, I am seeing error " Selected IP phone Agent service is not active" on the phone". Please select another service.

while checking I found that my Primary UCCX server ( became secondary automatically and secondary server ( became primary. So, IP phone agents are not working when secondary server becomes primary.

I used to re-start my secondary Server ( so my primary Server ( to become primary again. After re-start of Server everything starts working as now Server became primary.

I am using version

Why this auto fail over is happening on weekly basis?.

Please suggest. Thanks.

1 Reply 1

Anthony Holloway
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi myassir76,

First of all, either server *can* be Master/Primary.  It doesn't really matter which one is Master.  If you have two servers, you're kind of agreeing that either one is acceptable to run on.  If your second server is not well suited to run production traffic, then you should reconsider your deployment, so that it *can* be Master/Primary at anytime.

Second, You should always have two IP Phone services on your IP Phones:

1) Primary IP Phone Agent (Points to Publisher)

2) Secondary IP Phone Agent (Points to Subscriber)

Then, train your Agents to always press the first button, and if it's not working, press the second button.

Last, the reason why you're experiencing weekly failures on the Publisher node is unknown to us, as you didn't share any logs.  I doubt that uploading your logs to the forum will net you a better experience than just opening a TAC case, but if you'd still like to, then go ahead and do it.

I hope that helped explain how things work, or should work for you.