1. Make sure you increase the size of your log files. Check for available drive space first. In
the registry....ems\currentversion\library\processes\opc.... set emsalllogfilesmax to 0x5f5e100. Set
emslogfilemax to 0x989680. This will store 10 10meg files...100 meg worth of OPC logs. Do the same
under ...processes\pim1 and under cg1a\ems\currentversion\library\processes\ctisvr.
2. Turn up tracing. In registry...cg1a\ems\currentversion\library\processes\ctisvr set emstracemask
to 0xf8
In procmon for PIM, run ltrace to see what tracing is on. Enable everything except lock* and
thread*. To enable tracing from procmon , type trace xxx /on (where xxx is the tracebit shown in
ltrace). You can use wildcards. For example, trace tp* /on.
From OPCTEST, type debug /routing /cstaecr /closedcalls.
Duplicate the failure, and dump the PIM, OPC, CTISVR logs. Give a timestamp for the failure.
This URL should helps you: