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[CTIOS] SetMessageFilter Expression

Level 1
Level 1

We're using CTIOS 6.0(0) in IPCC Call Center.

I need those events notification: eCallBeginEvent, eCallEndEvent and eAgentStatisticsEvent of AgentID 5001.

1st I use code "SetMessageFilter MessageID=23, 24; AgentID=5001". The results are below;

No event is sent to me.

2nd I use code "SetMessageFilter MessageID=23, 24". The results are below;

"QueryAgentStateConf" event of all agents are sent to me.

All eCallBeginEvent, eCallEndEvent event of all agents are sent to me.

I don't need "QueryAgentStateConf" event (MessageID=37). Though I don't set those events, I every "QueryAgentStateConf" event of all agent.

I don't know about "SetMessageFilter" expressions. Please help me.

3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

I don't understand. Are you trying to change the existing CTIOS code using VB and then trying to do the SetMessageFilter in the code?

With standard CTIOS, you will get the begin call, end call, any event for the agent instrument logged into.

You're right. But our customer want "Agent-Monitoring" application which provides one agent's status, call status, how much time she is notready status, etc.

In my experience, when supervisors receive all agents' events, network traffic is too big. So I want to minimize network traffic data : supervisors receive one agent's event he selected.

Do you have some idea?

How about quering the AW database directly for the real-time information and HDS for the historical info. This is probably easier.

Usually, If you want to modify like the agent filters etc, I would recommend using the CTI desktop instead of the CTIOS.

Also, why not use webview? This is usually the most accurate. Web page. There is really very little network traffic.