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Emergency Mode

Level 1
Level 1

In my script I have a step that checks a database field to see if the call centre has been put into an emergency state. If it has all new calls will be played a message and then hung up.

I need to be able to apply this method for all callers within the queue at the time the emergency state is activated. I don't want to keep checking the database after every step so I am testing things like if a call has been waiting for +10 mins go and check the database or if there are multiple ROI. Does any one have a way of doing this?

Or is there a way I can transfer all calls currently in the queue to another number or to voicemail or just disconnect them?

2 Replies 2

If you have enterprise you can control your call flow using admin scripts and variables. If you change an admin script that will affect all your call center calls and divert them dynamically.

If this is express you are somewhat limited. You may want to use a variable throughout that checks state of emergency.

Let me know if you need more help.

Good luck.


I am using express.

curently I get the script to query a field in the DB that checks the state of the call centre. so is there another way I can check without the script having to check the database after each step and causing heavy load