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Finesse on UCCE 11.6 fails sometimes when calling /finesse/api/User/{username}

I have a program where i call https://{{UCCE_Finesse}}/finesse/api/User/{{loginName}} to retrieve a users information as that user. I am using the users loginname/password as basic auth for the request. This works MOST of the time, but sometimes the service consistently returns 401 Unauthorized when i attempt the call for a period of about 15 minutes. If i replace the LoginName with the loginID in either the URL or username, the call works fine even while the other call fails. I haven't managed to find a pattern, but it seems to be triggered by the user logging into finesse somehow. The behaviour usually persists for some 15 minutes, and the disappears again, resulting in the call working as intended with LoginName again.


The error in the payload says

        <ErrorType>Invalid Authorization User Specified</ErrorType>
        <ErrorMessage>The user specified in the authentication credentials and the uri don&apos;t match</ErrorMessage>
Which does not make much sense as it works fine for a while and then suddenly fails. It makes even less sense that the call works fine if i replace the URL path OR the authorization with the LoginID. 


I am using the call to resolve the loginID from the loginName, so it is pretty obstructive.


Has anyone noticed anything similar, and even better, found a way to fix it?

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