We have written a script which allows us to record prompts and then save them to the local hard disk which we then manually deploy to various servers. Now this works fine when it was on a windows platform as we had direct access to the local hard disk however with version 8.5(1) this now runs on VOS hence this feature has now gone away, therefore we need to find another solution.
In summary these are the steps the script uses:-
1. We use the “media Recording object” to record the prompt and then store the results in a Document variable. We can then replay, erase, re-record until we are happy with it.
2. Once we are happy with the prompt we write the prompt to the local disk using the “Document Write Document object”. Now that this isn’t an option therefore we want to write to another location.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to write to a remote directory?
Any help would be most welcome.