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Member since ‎07-18-2002

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I read somewhere that the CSP collector wouldn't be needed if customers were running Prime Infrastructure, is this true as we already running Prime Infrastructure version 3.2 which already contains all the devices so would be really useful rather tha...
We have written a script which allows us to record prompts and then save them to the local hard disk which we then manually deploy to various servers.  Now this works fine when it was on a windows platform as we had direct access to the local hard di...
Is there anyway to schedule reports within Unity so that they run a a scheduler as I've taken a look and I can only see a way to manually run reports.Any ideas?
We are running ART with Call Manager 3.2.2c however we have a major problem, the CDR records are being send from all our publishers and are being inserted into the CDR database just fine, however the ART database isn't getting populated.We have tried...
I'm trying to find out what Call Transfer Methods are supported, e.g. FLASHHOOK, DTMF Only, etc...
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Member Since ‎07-18-2002 07:14 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-05-2021 12:18 AM
Posts 16
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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