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removing calls that are in the resource selection queue

Paul Austin
Level 4
Level 4

Hi Folks, I have a strange query. Is there any way to remove calls that have been presented to the resource selection step but are in the queue waiting for a free agent? I have created a varable that gets the current time and then created another varable that is poplated with the same syntax that is received from the T[now] step then done a IF atep with a > between to check if the current time varable is greater than the other varables but thi sis then applied after the queued after the select resource step but it doesnt work obviously BUT I was wondering if it can be. If the system has already accepted a call and tried to present it to an agent, can it be removed?


3 Replies 3

Anthony Holloway
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

You cannot stop a call from ringing on an Agent's phone.  Once you use the Select Resource step with Connect set to yes, that's it, it's ringing, and you'll have to wait until the Agent Ring No Answers in order to regain control of the call.

If however, what you are looking for is a separation from selecting the agent and ringing their phone, then you'll want to set the Connect to No within the Select Resource Step.  With that configuration, you will need a new User variable to store the selected Agent in, and a new Connect step to initiate the ringing on the Agent's phone.  You can place your logic between the Select Resource step and the Connect step.

Hope that helps.  I found your question a little hard to read, but I think I got the general idea.  If not, just post back a follow up and I'll see where it takes us.

Good luck and happy scripting!

Anthony Holloway

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Hi, Yes sorry for the rubbish spelling/grammar.

Just to re-iterate, the call has got to the select resource step and is in the queue waiting for an available agent. Now the centre has closed due the normal time of day logic BUT calls are still in the queue waiting to be answered and these need to be terminated (very bad practice IMHO) so I did a T[NOW] to get he current time, used it to populate an empty string variable so I got 5:06 PM, created another string varaiable with say 5:00 PM and then did an IF statement to check if the 5:06 PM is greater than 5:00 PM if so, then do something i.e. terminate the call. I think what I may try is that the select resource step is set to know and if it isnt connected and the time is greater then de-queue the call then terminate.


I think I see clearer now.

Ok, so what you want to do is very logical and good practice.  Instead of doing the time stamps, which will work, you could just use the time of day step.

Also, if you wanted to take it a step further, you could take the callers Estimated Wait Time (EWT) from the Get Reporting Statistics step (not all that accurate, but could be a good guess at times), and then see if the closing time (5:00 in your example) is more than the number of minutes away held in EWT, from the current time.

Example:  Caller calls in a 4:55, and you close at 5:00.  The EWT says they'll wait only 1 minute, then you queue them.  However, if the EWT says they'll wait 8 minutes, then you do not queue them, and tell them you're already closed.

Just a thought, but it does sound like you are doing it right.  I have seen too many times to count, people forgetting to put logic within the queue loop to cover things like business hours, day changes, holidays, no agents logged in, etc.

Good luck and happy scripting!

Anthony Holloway

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