I'd like to have a CCX script utilize REST API to gather and then modify phone attributes in CUCM. I've successfully done this for Meeting Server however, CUCM uses SOAP which throws a monkey wrench in my brain. My settings (which fail) in the REST set are: URL= HTTPS://[cucm fqdn]:8443/axl, User and pass are set to my AXL user, Method = Post, Body = This is where CCX errors on me. I am attempting to build the following, but it doesn't like the embedded quotes - <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns="http://www.cisco.com/AXL/API/12.5">
This works with Postman. I think once I get this basic header working, the rest is easy as it is really just XML.