we recently graded UCCX from 8* to 11.5
one of the custom java class if failing with "java.lang.Exception".
I am storing the call events in a java.util.arraylist variable and trying to pass the variable value while calling the custom class.
Java.util string at new environment: §java.util.ArrayList§[CallStart||2018-05-29 15:31:11.424, OpeningMenuAttempt||2018-05-29 15:31:11.744, Hangup||2018-05-29 15:34:56.586, CallEnd||2018-05-29 15:34:57.624]§
Java.util string at old environment: �java.util.ArrayList�[CallStart||2018-05-29 15:33:48.659, OpeningMenuAttempt||2018-05-29 15:33:49.031, Hangup||2018-05-29 15:34:40.715, CallEnd||2018-05-29 15:34:43.195]�
is this something to do with symbols at variable value. if so how we control the symbols.
please help to resolve.