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Nicklas Wagerth
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Model Everything, Automate Anything: Remove the Limits on What You Automate with NSO

Automation Developer Days US, Dec 6, 2023

With the increasing maturity of NSO and its supporting NEDs and packages, it is tempting to consider the universe of managed systems complete. However, many critical network components that exist alongside NSO-orchestrated devices are neither modeled nor orchestrated. This situation makes them subject to all the issues we have worked so hard to mitigate with NSO. In this session, we will discuss the recent advances that have helped to reduce the friction between a network function and its NSO orchestration, making this the time to model anything in your network and bring it under NSO control.

Link to recording

Speaker: Scott Barvick, CTO, North America, Data Ductus

Scott Barvick, CTO Data Ductus North AmericaScott Barvick, CTO Data Ductus North America

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