01-05-2016 01:20 PM
Environment: I'm currently using a dcloud lab for setting up a 1000v. I want to build the implementation 'from the ground up' or as close to it as I can.
dCloud Lab Name: Cisco Nexus 1000V: Installing Cisco VSM and VEM for VMWare Lab v1. The lab under the PEC is more of what I need, but it's closed for maintenance until 1/10/15. dCloud labs seem out of date since they prefer the installer app and version 4.2.
After running through that lab a few times I've decided to install the newest version of N1kv ( System 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a) ). I got the primary up and running. I configured the port profiles. I installed the VEM on the hosts, and migrated the hosts to the 1000v.
The trouble that I have run into is when I am setting up a secondary VSM for HA. I'm not sure if it's the lab environment that's the limitation, or if it's a configuration error on my part.
I did enter 'system redundancy role primary/secondary' on the respective VSM's. The secondary VSM didn't restart like it has in other Labs/environments. The other environment/dcloud lab that I tried has the VSM already installed, the lab is just for creating/managing the port profiles.
Primary VSM show commands:
N1kv# sh version
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac
Documents: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9372/tsd_products_support_series_home.html
Copyright (c) 2002-2015, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public
License. A copy of the license is available at
kickstart: version 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a)
system: version 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a)
kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n1000v-dk9-kickstart.5.2.1.SV3.1.5a.bin
kickstart compile time: 8/15/2015 6:00:00 [08/15/2015 13:39:52]
system image file is: bootflash:///n1000v-dk9.5.2.1.SV3.1.5a.bin
system compile time: 8/15/2015 6:00:00 [08/15/2015 15:22:16]
cisco Nexus 1000V Chassis ("Virtual Supervisor Module")
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 283 with 4126584 kB of memory.
Processor Board ID T5056813E21
Device name: N1kv
bootflash: 2332296 kB
System uptime is 0 days, 2 hours, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 2 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 7 second(s)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin, Virtualization Plugin
Reset reason
1) Time: Sat Aug 15 08:27:53 2015
Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
N1kv# sh svs domain
SVS domain config:
Domain id: 101
Control vlan: NA
Packet vlan: NA
L2/L3 Control mode: L3
Switch guid: cf16c21c-aa93-428f-b98d-b6dce279281e
L3 control interface: mgmt0
Status: Config push to Management Server successful.
Control type multicast: No
L3Sec Status: Enabled
Note: Control VLAN and Packet VLAN are not used in L3 mode
N1kv# sh svs connections
connection vcenter:
ip address:
remote port: 80
protocol: vmware-vim https
certificate: default
datacenter name: dCloud-DC
max-ports: 8192
DVS uuid: 33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c
config status: Enabled
operational status: Connected
sync status: Complete
version: VMware vCenter Server 5.5.0 build-1312298
vc-uuid: 67461318-8FFD-4EC1-8638-62D32F7285D7
ssl-cert: self-signed or not authenticated
N1kv# sh module
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------
1 0 Virtual Supervisor Module Nexus1000V active *
3 1022 Virtual Ethernet Module NA ok
4 1022 Virtual Ethernet Module NA ok
Mod Sw Hw
--- ------------------ ------------------------------------------------
1 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a) 0.0
3 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a) VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Releasebuild-1331820 (3.2)
4 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a) VMware ESXi 5.5.0 Releasebuild-1331820 (3.2)
Mod Server-IP Server-UUID Server-Name
--- --------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------
3 422025f7-043a-87f5-c403-5b9efdf66764 vesx1.dcloud.cisco.com
4 4220955f-2062-8e3e-04b8-0000831108e7 vesx2.dcloud.cisco.com
* this terminal session
N1kv# sh int virtual
Port Adapter Owner Mod Host
Veth1 vmk0 VMware VMkernel 3 vesx1.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth2 vmk4 VMware VMkernel 3 vesx1.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth3 Net Adapter 1 N1kv-VSM-P 3 vesx1.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth4 Net Adapter 2 N1kv-VSM-P 3 vesx1.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth5 Net Adapter 3 N1kv-VSM-P 3 vesx1.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth6 vmk0 VMware VMkernel 4 vesx2.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth7 vmk4 VMware VMkernel 4 vesx2.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth8 Net Adapter 1 N1kv-VSM-S 4 vesx2.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth9 Net Adapter 2 N1kv-VSM-S 4 vesx2.dcloud.cisco.com
Veth10 Net Adapter 3 N1kv-VSM-S 4 vesx2.dcloud.cisco.com
N1kv# sh running-config
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Tue Jan 5 20:44:53 2016
version 5.2(1)SV3(1.5a)
hostname N1kv
no feature telnet
username admin password 5 $1$e/9mVYDR$lpRLU0EPoY9AApRAG/h3P. role network-admin
username admin keypair generate rsa
banner motd #Nexus 1000v Switch
ssh key rsa 2048
ip domain-lookup
ip host N1kv
errdisable recovery cause failed-port-state
vem 3
host id 422025f7-043a-87f5-c403-5b9efdf66764
vem 4
host id 4220955f-2062-8e3e-04b8-0000831108e7
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xcab31b6c2edfee619396ff3266cc3970 priv 0xcab31b6c2edfee61
9396ff3266cc3970 localizedkey
rmon event 1 log trap public description FATAL(1) owner PMON@FATAL
rmon event 2 log trap public description CRITICAL(2) owner PMON@CRITICAL
rmon event 3 log trap public description ERROR(3) owner PMON@ERROR
rmon event 4 log trap public description WARNING(4) owner PMON@WARNING
rmon event 5 log trap public description INFORMATION(5) owner PMON@INFO
vrf context management
ip route
vlan 1,10-12,111
vlan 10
name Management-vMotion
vlan 11
name Data-Network
vlan 12
name NFS
vlan 111
name PVLAN-Secondary
port-channel load-balance ethernet source-mac
port-profile default max-ports 32
port-profile type ethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Uplink
description Port-group created for Nexus 1000V internal usage. Do not use.
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type vethernet Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth
description Port-group created for Nexus 1000V internal usage. Do not use.
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type ethernet n1kv_mgmt-uplink
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
no shutdown
system vlan 10
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type ethernet nfs-uplink
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 12
no shutdown
system vlan 12
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type ethernet data-uplink
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 11
channel-group auto mode on mac-pinning
no shutdown
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type vethernet n1kv_mgmt_vlan
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
no shutdown
capability l3control
system vlan 10
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type vethernet nfs_vlan
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 12
no shutdown
system vlan 12
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type vethernet vsm-control-packet
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 1
no shutdown
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type vethernet vsm-mgmt0
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 10
no shutdown
system vlan 10
state enabled
vmware port-group
port-profile type vethernet VM-Client
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 11
no shutdown
state enabled
vmware port-group
interface port-channel1
inherit port-profile data-uplink
vem 3
interface port-channel2
inherit port-profile data-uplink
vem 4
interface mgmt0
ip address
interface Vethernet1
inherit port-profile n1kv_mgmt_vlan
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 32 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.56A0.38BE
interface Vethernet2
inherit port-profile nfs_vlan
description VMware VMkernel, vmk4
vmware dvport 64 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5660.64CA
interface Vethernet3
inherit port-profile vsm-control-packet
description N1kv-VSM-P, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 96 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5681.636F
interface Vethernet4
inherit port-profile vsm-mgmt0
description N1kv-VSM-P, Network Adapter 2
vmware dvport 128 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5681.3E21
interface Vethernet5
inherit port-profile vsm-control-packet
description N1kv-VSM-P, Network Adapter 3
vmware dvport 97 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5681.2411
interface Vethernet6
inherit port-profile n1kv_mgmt_vlan
description VMware VMkernel, vmk0
vmware dvport 33 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.566C.C9B4
interface Vethernet7
inherit port-profile nfs_vlan
description VMware VMkernel, vmk4
vmware dvport 65 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5660.CA92
interface Vethernet8
inherit port-profile vsm-control-packet
description N1kv-VSM-S, Network Adapter 1
vmware dvport 98 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5681.326A
interface Vethernet9
inherit port-profile vsm-mgmt0
description N1kv-VSM-S, Network Adapter 2
vmware dvport 129 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5681.DDB7
interface Vethernet10
inherit port-profile vsm-control-packet
description N1kv-VSM-S, Network Adapter 3
vmware dvport 99 dvswitch uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c"
vmware vm mac 0050.5681.B467
interface Ethernet3/1
inherit port-profile n1kv_mgmt-uplink
interface Ethernet3/2
inherit port-profile data-uplink
interface Ethernet3/3
inherit port-profile data-uplink
interface Ethernet3/4
inherit port-profile data-uplink
interface Ethernet3/5
inherit port-profile nfs-uplink
interface Ethernet4/1
inherit port-profile n1kv_mgmt-uplink
interface Ethernet4/2
inherit port-profile data-uplink
interface Ethernet4/3
inherit port-profile data-uplink
interface Ethernet4/4
inherit port-profile data-uplink
interface Ethernet4/5
inherit port-profile nfs-uplink
interface control0
line console
line vty
boot kickstart bootflash:/n1000v-dk9-kickstart.5.2.1.SV3.1.5a.bin sup-1
boot system bootflash:/n1000v-dk9.5.2.1.SV3.1.5a.bin sup-1
boot kickstart bootflash:/n1000v-dk9-kickstart.5.2.1.SV3.1.5a.bin sup-2
boot system bootflash:/n1000v-dk9.5.2.1.SV3.1.5a.bin sup-2
domain id 101
control vlan 1
packet vlan 1
svs mode L3 interface mgmt0
switch-guid cf16c21c-aa93-428f-b98d-b6dce279281e
enable l3sec
svs connection vcenter
protocol vmware-vim
remote ip address port 80
vmware dvs uuid "33 4b 01 50 c4 35 a8 98-47 06 70 50 d9 c6 3f 9c" datacenter-name dCloud-DC
max-ports 12000
vservice global type vsg
no tcp state-checks invalid-ack
no tcp state-checks seq-past-window
no tcp state-checks window-variation
no bypass asa-traffic
no l3-frag
vservice global
tcp 30
udp 4
icmp 4
layer-3 4
layer-2 2
shared-secret **********
N1kv# sh port-profile usage
port-profile data-uplink
port-profile n1kv_mgmt-uplink
port-profile n1kv_mgmt_vlan
port-profile nfs-uplink
port-profile nfs_vlan
port-profile Unused_Or_Quarantine_Uplink
port-profile Unused_Or_Quarantine_Veth
port-profile VM-Client
port-profile vsm-control-packet
port-profile vsm-mgmt0
N1kv# sh system redundancy status
Redundancy role
administrative: primary
operational: primary
Redundancy mode
administrative: HA
operational: None
This supervisor (sup-1)
Redundancy state: Active
Supervisor state: Active
Internal state: Active with no standby
Other supervisor (sup-2)
Redundancy state: Not present
Peer Sup Mac Adddreses Learnt
Control Interface: 00:50:56:81:06:14
Mgmt Interface: 00:50:56:81:d1:ca
HA Packet Drops Due to Domain id Collision
Control Interface: 11001
Mgmt Interface: 2581
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please compare Peer Sup MAC addresses learnt above
with the actual Peer Sup's MAC addresses. If they are not same, execute
"peer-sup mac-addresses clear" on this VSM to form HA again
For the secondary VSM, I have to go through the console, so I can't copy/paste. When I run the setup command and choose primary I get the following error (See attachment named: VSM secondary setup.PNG): SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied I have not found a solution for this error.
The secondary VSM reloads and then I'm back to a VSM that acts like it's isolated. When I run sh module I get a public IP listed as the Server-IP. This is what makes me think there's some sort of limitation with the gear. This is also where I want another set of eyes, since maybe this solution is obvious to someone else with more experience. See VSM secondary module.PNG for a screenshot. I'm unable to ping the public IP for the secondary VSM.
I don't have access to the upstream switches. The VSM's were installed by me via OVA deploy.
For a screenshot of the VM nic settings, see Vcenter VM Ints.PNG Both the primary and secondary have the same settings.
Let me know if you need to see any other settings in Vcenter or need some more show commands.
01-05-2016 01:23 PM
A follow-up questions is; How would I further troubleshoot, or verify, the connectivity?
03-25-2016 04:14 AM
Hi mate - in no particular order.....
Is this a lab environment?
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