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Cisco 3504 Wireless LAN Controller

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 I am searching   names so that i can prepare  REST API URI for Cisco  WLAN

2 Replies 2

Ruben Cocheno


The best way would be the API documentation and see what is available

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To prepare a REST API URI for Cisco WLAN, especially for the Cisco 3504 Wireless LAN Controller, you’ll need to refer to the specific documentation for that model. Generally, Cisco provides comprehensive guides and resources for their products through the Cisco DevNet platform.

Here are some steps you can follow:

Check the Cisco DevNet Site:- Cisco DevNet is a great resource for developers working with Cisco technologies. You can find documentation, SDKs, and community support for Cisco products.

Look for Model-Specific Guides:- Since you’re working with the Cisco 3504 Wireless LAN Controller, you should look for guides or API references specific to that model. This will ensure that you’re using the correct URIs and commands.

Understand the REST API Structure:- Familiarize yourself with the REST API structure for Cisco products. This typically involves understanding the base URI and the endpoints for various operations you want to perform.

Use the Correct Version:- Make sure you’re using the correct version of the API for your controller. Cisco documentation will specify the version and provide the appropriate URIs.

Authentication:- Ensure you have the necessary authentication credentials to access the API. This might involve generating API keys or using other authentication methods provided by Cisco.

Test Your URIs:- Once you have the URIs, test them using a tool like Postman or a similar API client to make sure they work as expected.

Remember, the exact URIs and the process to access them will depend on the specific firmware version of your Cisco 3504 Wireless LAN Controller and the available API documentation. 

I hope this information will help you.