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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

We’ve got a new sandbox for you today and it’s a beauty! Perfect for NetDevOps enthusiasts...

The new Multi-IOS Cisco Test Network provides you with a 15 node network including XR, XE and Nexus, leveraging Cisco VIRL. This network is perfect for testing out NetDevOps scenarios and all types of network programmability use cases.

Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 22.49.46.png

But, if you want to create your own topology you can! We’ve also included the ability to simply create a clean VIRL simulation, where you can add your own VIRL file to create your own network topology, up to 15 nodes. There are details on how to get you started down that path on the sandbox instructions itself.

Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 22.27.17.png

As always, we hope you enjoy the sandbox and it helps you explore our network programmability interfaces and toolsets in the innovation and operational improvements you’re looking to acheive.

The team hasn’t updated our lovely sandbox community in a while as we’re working on a host of new sandboxes as we approach CiscoLive Orlando next month, we hope you’ll be glad to hear. Stay tuned for more new sandboxes soon and keep the feedback coming!


Level 5
Level 5

Great, let´s try this !!!

Level 1
Level 1

Hi thodavie, I cannot login the VIRL's portal(I have tried admin/admin virl/VIRL ). What is the username/password? And I also cannot start simulations via virlutils. Thx.

Please refer to Devnet Sandbox discussion board Multi-IOS Cisco Test Network for additional support.

Collin Clark
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Any chance this Sandbox will be coming back?

Level 1
Level 1
Can we create CCNA/CCNP labs in this sandbox? Does it support L2 switching?
Level 1
Level 1



I am running into a little trouble running the Multi-IOS Cisco Test Network sandbox using the datacenter topology (first one I tried).

I will continue to search for answers to my questions but would greatly accept any pointers somebody might be able to provide.


Some problems I encountered (I did take several screenshots and can supply as needed:

  • My VPN does connect me. 
  • I am able to log into UWM - I was trying to replicate what Hank Preston was doing in a demo video that he had online with David Bombal on Youtube.
  • I am able to log in to UWM successfully using the uwmadmin login
  • I don't seem to be able to create or run any simulations in UWM.  Those menu options are greyed out .  In the demo I saw Hank Preston open a topology editor in UWM under his simulations which do not seem to be available to me in this sandbox.  
    • Under "My Simulations" I get a tooltip on hover that says "User and any other users in this project cannot run any simulations."
    • Project Simulations is also greyed out and I get a tooltip on hover that says "Project has no management network therefore its users are unable to run simulations."
  • I am able to get into the datacenter stimulation from the Overview menu option in UWM that is running and I see 8 nodes
    • a few devices are unreachable
    • the telnet links do not work
    • I am unable to login to the nodes by using the console connections.  A new web tab opens but I am not sure what credentials to use for login?
    • I am able to get a prompt when I ssh to the mgmt ip of one of the nodes using Mac OS terminal.  I get replies to my pings so I know I am getting to it.
  •  I am unable to access any type of visualization that I noticed was available when creating and visualizing a user created topology.

While I was tooling around in UWM I took numerous screenshots in case any of this info may be helpful.

I guess being so new to. VIRL I am unsure of if I am missing something or if there may be an issue with it.  I saw a comment from somebody asking if this sandbox was coming back - is there a known issue with this.




Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

@t.kirk sorry for the trouble with the Sandbox, but I think we can get you all straightened out.  


Rather than go back and forth on the comments here can you open a post on the DevNet Sandbox community ( 


In the meantime, a couple of notes: 


1. You must be connected to VPN for UWM and ping to IPs to work.  

2. When you log into UWM, use credentials guest / guest 

3. VIRL uses a username and password of cisco for simulated network devices.  


Thanks and talk soon!  Hank Preston

Level 1
Level 1

Thanks Hank - I will do that later today.

I appreciate the assistance.



Tom Kirk

Level 1
Level 1



Information is old in the article, options for booking are different now.

What options should I choose for building my own topology? Popup window tells that I can choose [any] not to have initial topology, but "reserve" button disappears with this parameter. There is also parameter [none] - so is that it? If I choose [none] will I be able to build my own topology in lab?

Level 1
Level 1

I can't seem to get external connectivity up with any of the nodes in this sandbox.  Is there information for doing that somewhere?  I can only reach them through the server address.  Thanks!

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