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Developer Sustainability Week Events

Build for Better Code Challenge

Cisco U. Spotlight Registration

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Level 1
Level 1
Status: New

I think it would be a good idea to be able to save your CML labs in DevNet Sandbox for a small monthly fee. I think multiple people would benefit from this and it would be a good business idea. I would love to be able to do this. Thanks


Not sure if this would help, but you can download the .yaml file and upload this when you reserve a new sandbox. When doing workshops or build CML examples, i often provide this in the repo along with any code.


Hope this helps!

Level 1
Level 1

Oh Yes Thank you I figured out you could download the yaml file and upload it, Thanks!

Level 1
Level 1

Not sure how I can close this thread

Gery Escalier

Hello @HenryGee , can you hit the solution button in @bigevilbeard  post



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