We have discovered at least two issues so far with the DevNet Beginner learning track at: https://developer.cisco.com/learning/tracks/devnet-beginner In the Network Programmability module the lab titled "Cisco DNA Center APIs with Python: Part 1 - The Basics" doesn't actually exist. This link really takes you to a lab titled "Cisco DNA Center API Overview". I'm not sure which is supposed to be the correct lab but either the link is titled incorrectly or is pointing to the wrong lab. On page 2 of the "Cisco DNA Center Platform - Authentication" lab (and continuing on through the next several labs you are asked to do some work in Python requests making calls on DNAC with thinks like requests.post(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(DNAC_USER, DNAC_PASSWORD)) however, these will all fail because the SSL certificate on the DNAC server is self-signed. All of these calls need to be changed to something more like requests.post(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(DNAC_USER, DNAC_PASSWORD), verify=False) which will ignore certificate errors. Ideally the need for this would also be explained to the learner so they understand that ignoring certificate errors in production is a bad idea. Thanks! -Ben
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