el 08-22-2023 12:46 PM
I have this problem, I don't how to solve this, any can helpe me please
I try this but didn't solve the problem
el 08-22-2023 12:50 PM
Where is written "ruta-y-nomber-del-archivo" should be the actuall file name as in
Please, run the command dir flash: and share the output.
el 08-22-2023 12:51 PM
what is the model of device and what IOS code was running before ?
issue below command - see if you can see the file ?
switch: flash_init
switch: load_helper
switch: dir flash:/
based on the output
boot flash:image.bin (image.bin replace with bin file output)switch:dir
If this is install mode
boot flash:packages.conf
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