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7800 series phones on CME 10.5

Kevin Parsons
Level 1
Level 1

Hello all!


I am working on adding 7800 series phones to CME, version 10.5 and am running into some issues that I can't seem to find answers for.


Issue #1:  I can't seem to put a call on Hold on the 7841 (SIP) that I am testing with and use Pickup on a 7942 (SCCP).  When I press Pickup and the extension for the 7841, I get a fast busy signal.   When trying to pickup the call in reverse, as soon as I press Pickup on the 7841, I get a fast busy.  Interestingly enough if I dial the 7942's extension, I can press Pickup on the 7841, dial the extension for the 7942, and I can intercept the call.  And I can intercept in the reverse order as well (7942 Pickup from the ringing 7841).


Issue #2:  Apparently GPickup (Group Pickup) won't work on these new SIP phones?  I can't seem to find a way to make it work.  When dialing the 7841, I can press GPickup on the 7942 phone and intercept the call.  When dialing the 7942, I press GPickup on the 7841 and it goes to dead air.

Issue #3:   Paging across the phones will work when I page from the 7841 across SCCP phones, but when I page from an SCCP phone the page will come across other SCCP phones but not the 7841.


SIP config:

voice register global
 mode  cme
 source-address port 5060
 max-dn 300
 max-pool 58
 load 7841 sip78xx.10-2-1-12
 load 8831 sip8831.9-3-3-5
 authenticate register
 authenticate realm all
 timezone 6
 time-format 24
 voicemail 5000
 phone-redirect-limit 20
 tftp-path flash:
 file text
 create profile sync 0000924504351556
 ntp-server mode directedbroadcast
voice register dn  7
 number 4007
 call-forward b2bua busy 5000  
 call-forward b2bua noan 5000 timeout 20
 allow watch
 pickup-call any-group
 pickup-group 1
 name Kevin Parsons
 label KP-Desk Phone x4007
voice register template  1
 softkeys hold  Resume Newcall iDivert
 softkeys idle  Newcall Redial DND Pickup Gpickup Cfwdall
 softkeys ringIn  Answer DND iDivert
 softkeys connected  Endcall Hold Park Trnsfer iDivert Confrn
 conference admin
voice register dialplan 1
 type 7940-7960-others
 pattern 1 4...
voice register pool  7
 busy-trigger-per-button 1
 park reservation-group 1
 id mac 885A.92D9.BC07
 type 7841
 number 1 dn 7
 template 1
 presence call-list
 dtmf-relay rtp-nte
 username 4007 password 12345
 description KP-Desktop
 codec g711ulaw
 no vad   
 paging-dn 145

SCCP config:

 sdspfarm conference mute-on 111 mute-off 222
 sdspfarm units 1
 sdspfarm tag 1 confprof1
  maximum bit-rate 384
 authentication credential <output omitted>
 max-ephones 58
 max-dn 300
 ip source-address port 2000
 max-redirect 20
 service phone webAccess 0
 service phone handsetHeadsetMonitor 0
 service phone headsetWidebandEnable 0
 service phone g722CodecSupport 2
 service phone ehookEnable 1
 timeouts ringing 60
 system message Flair Colorado Springs
 url services
 url authentication  
 cnf-file location flash:
 load 7915-24 B015-1-0-4-2
 load 7925 CP7925G-1.4.5SR1.3
 load 7960-7940 P0030801SR02
 load 7942 SCCP42.9-3-1SR4-1S
 load 7962 SCCP42.9-3-1SR4-1S
 load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-3-3-2-SR1
 load 6941 SCCP69xx.9-3-3-2-SR1
 load 6961 SCCP69xx.9-3-3-2-SR1
 time-zone 6
 time-format 24
 voicemail 5000
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 call-park system application
 call-forward pattern .T
 no hunt-group report delay
 hunt-group logout HLog
 moh enable-g711 ""
 multicast moh port 2000 route
 web admin system name admin secret 5 $1$AGH6$TPoR1kouVyj8e9o8IsBsS.
 transfer-digit-collect orig-call
 transfer-system full-consult
 transfer-pattern .T
 secondary-dialtone 9
 fac standard


ephone-dn-template  1
 hold-alert 30 originator recurrence 300
ephone-template  1
 conference admin
 softkeys hold  Resume Newcall Join
 softkeys idle  HLog Newcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Cfwdall Dnd
 softkeys connected  Endcall Hold Park Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn LiveRcd Join
 softkeys ringing  HLog Answer Dnd

ephone-dn  144
 number 9200
 name All Staff Paging
 paging ip port 2000
 paging group 145,146
ephone-dn  145
 number 9210
 name Paging Test 1
 paging ip port 2000
ephone-dn  146
 number 9220
 name Paging Test 2
 paging ip port 2000

ephone-dn  3  dual-line
 number 4003
 pickup-group 1
 label Nathan x4003
 description Nathan Cowger x4003
 name Nathan Cowger
 allow watch
 call-forward busy 5000
 call-forward noan 5000 timeout 10
 ephone-dn-template 1


ephone  3
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address F4EA.6748.8B1F
 ephone-template 1
 presence call-list
 paging-dn 145
 type 7942
 button  1:3

Any and all help will be appreciated.





12 Replies 12

Level 3
Level 3

Based solely on experiences I've had in the past, I can tell you that if the firmware doesn't match up exactly with the CME matrix, there may be weird issues (can happen with both newer and older firmware).  The CME 10.5 matrix is here:


I'd try back-revving those bad-boys and see what happens.

Thanks, I'll try that.   But ironically, I was working with TAC on this scenario earlier in the day and the TAC engineer recommended I upgrade to which I'm currently using., which came on the 7841 phone, was causing several issues that have been fixed with the latest version.


And that had no impact.

I've had several problems with the 9.2.1 code on the 7942's, and was recommended a while back to use the 9.3.1SR4 by TAC.

I'll keep plugging away to see what's fully causing the issues.  Logs aren't showing anything.

I'm facing the same problem here.

Have you find a solution?



Hi Norbert!


Not yet.  I'm still working with TAC on all three of these.  Originally TAC wanted to tell me that these features aren't available in the SIP firmware but may be when CME 11 comes out.  After letting the engineer know in no uncertain terms that that answer was not going to fly, he's back in the lab trying to figure things out.


In the meantime a fourth issue has been discovered; the 7841 can't "customize" the VM message after accessing the VM box.  I have some ideas from TAC I'll be trying on that issue.

Hi Kevin,

thanks for your reply, Wow, I dont get it why Cisco can not handle such basic stuff with SIP, despite the 78xx is officially supported on cme 10.5.


Hi, kevin

I same to your state.

I try PDI helpdesk and they said not support pickup of CP78XX on CME.


You find out resolve for pickup issue on CME?

Do you receive final response from TAC?


Please help me and have a nice day.


Have you tried this?

call-park system application

On telephony-service and generate the cnf-files again (no create cnf-files, create cnf files).

Hi Norbert!


Yes, I have tried that.  It actually disrupted the ability to Park/Recall calls on SCCP phones.


Still working with TAC on this and other issues.  Will post results as soon as I have them. . . .

Hi Kevin, any word from TAC on this as of yet? I was troubleshooting the same thing but came across your post and am putting my troubleshooting on hold until I hear if you have had any success.



Hello all!


Thanks for your patience as you're watching this thread.  I'm not making any real headway with TAC on this.  Using the "call park application" and "service directed-pickup gpickup" commands in telephony-services (as recommended by TAC), I can get the SIP phones to pick up an actively ringing call from either SIP or SCCP phones, but that also limits the SCCP phones to same.  I cannot use the Pickup softkey to recall/divert a call on Hold or a call on Park.

To be honest, I think we're going to have to wait until CME 11 is released and go back through the testing process all over again.  That's assuming Cisco will have addressed these issues in the SIP firmware for the 78xx phones.  I really wish Cisco would release SCCP firmware for these and the 88xx phones, but I know that their direction is away from SCCP to SIP across the board.

With the upcoming release of BE6KS, I see the death knell for CME solutions as the BE6KS will have the same interface/drivers/et. al. as full blown CUCM.  I also see many of my SOHO customers going to other solutions as Cisco will more than likely end up being too complicated and over priced for the smaller environments.


James Boothe
Level 1
Level 1


I know its been about a year since your post but as for the Paging aspect of your original post. With SIP you can use port 20480 on your paging-dn. That worked for me