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9911 vs 911

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Everyone,


This is my issue.


When 9911 is dialed, the call rings and connects right away.

When 911 is dialed there is a noticeable 4-5 seconds of dead air before you can tell the call is connecting and ringing.

I have urgent priority checked off for both route patterns.

This is not the 3-4 second delay between rings and the caller just happened to connect and hear only the delay between rings. This has been tested multiple times. 

A DNA analysis shows both patterns routing to the same gateway and don't show any other alternate route pattern matches.

Cisco TAC has also analysed the Call Manager logs and they see no delays and even say the calls look exactly identical in processing.

This is an MGCP environment so there are no gateway dialpeers, only route patterns in the Call Manager.

Here are all the route patterns that begin with 9:



Is the 4-5 second delay, the call manager trying to figure out the 9.[2-9] stuff before it can get down to 911?


Any other ideas where the delay is coming from?


thank you


2 Replies 2

Level 3
Level 3

Try going to Route Plan Report and verifying all the patterns from there that start with 9.

When you say the Urgent Priority is checked off you mean checked on right? (The urgent priority box should be checked for the 911 pattern).

No translations or transformations right? No called party changes on the route pattern, route list, route group, gateway?

Might be worth bouncing MGCP (from router type no mgcp, wait 5 sec, type mgcp) just to make sure. Do this after hours.

Is there any difference if the call is made from a SIP phone or SCCP phone?

This shouldn't happen if the Urgent Priority box is checked. Double check that the box shows as checked on the Pub as well as ALL Subs just in case there is a replication issue.


Hello kKoeper,


Yes, Urgent Priority is checked "on".

Route Plan report for anything that begins with 9 just shows me all my route patterns as above.

I do not see any translation or transformation patterns at all. There is nothing configured for Call Party Transformations for the 911 Route Pattern.

No difference from a SIP or skinny phone.

Both PUB and SUB do have the Urgent Priority box checked.


So, you think something is stuck? Bounce the MGCP?

I don't think 911 dispatch will let me debug the calls either as that would take too long, and too many uneccesary test calls have already been made.