I am trying convert the mobile (of other area) format in Argentina to e-164 in CUCM (Translation Pattern) and I don't see the way.
Argentina's format for calling to mobile registered in other area:
0<area code>15<mobile number>
Calling from outside of Argentina to mobiles numbers:
+54 9 <area code><mobile number>
my question is try to remove the '15' in the middle of the dialed number. in IOS would be:
rule 1 /0\(...\)15\(.......\)/ /0\1\2/
For example, a mobile registered in Cordoba (area code 351) and number 1234567:
- From Buenos Aires, dialing 0 351 15 1234567
- From Spain, dialing +54 9 351 1234567
the reason for convert to e164, would be able to overflow from other country if the local circuits are busy or down.
thanks for advance.