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ATA 187 on gateway 3925

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   I need your help in setting up/configuring the ATA 187 on gateway 3925 router for fax services.



4 Replies 4


Can you give us more details about your setup, i don't understand what you mean by ATA on 3925 router??? do you mean you have CME ?


Yes Amer I mean CME.



What is the version for CME you are running?

ATA 187 is only supported on CME 9.0



If you have CME version 9.0 or later , here is the config :

Configuring Voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187

To configure voice and T.38 Fax Relay on Cisco ATA-187, perform the following steps.


Cisco Unified CME 9.0 or a later version.


H.323 trunk calls are not supported.

Hardware  conferencing with DSPFarm resource is not supported on Cisco ATA-187 in  Cisco Unified CME 9.0. With the correct firmware (9.2(3) or a later  version), local three-way conferencing is supported.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. voice register global

4. authenticate realm string

5. exit

6. voice service {voip | voatm}

7. allow-connections from-type to to-type

8. fax protocol t38 [ls_redundancy value [hs_redundancy value]] [fallback {cisco | none | pass-through {g711ulaw | g711alaw}}]

9. exit

10. voice register pool pool-tag

11. id mac address

12. type phone-type

13. ata-ivr-pwd password

14. session-transport {tcp | udp}

15. number tag dn dn-tag

16. username username [password password]

17. codec codec-type [bytes]

Detailed Config :


Command or Action

Step 1 



Router> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2 

configure terminal


Router# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3 

voice register global


Router(config)# voice register global

Enters voice register global configuration mode.

Step 4 

authenticate realm string


Router(config-register-global)# authenticate  realm xxxxx

realm string—Realm parameter for challenge and response as specified in RFC 2617 is authenticated.

Step 5 



Router(config-register-global)# exit

Exits voice register global configuration mode.

Step 6 

voice service {voip | voatm}


Router(config)# voice service voip

Enters voice-service configuration mode to specify a voice encapsulation type.

voip—Specifies Voice over IP (VoIP) parameters.

voatm—Specifies Voice over ATM (VoATM) parameters.

Step 7 

allow-connections from-type to to-type


Router(config-voi-serv)# allow-connections sip  to sip

Allows connections between specific types of endpoints in a VoIP network.

from-type—Originating endpoint type. The following choices are valid:

sip—Session Interface Protocol.

to—Indicates that the argument that follows is the connection target.

to-type—Terminating endpoint type. The following choices are valid:

sip—Session Interface Protocol.

Step 8 

fax protocol t38 [ls_redundancy value [hs_redundancy value]] [fallback {cisco | none | pass-through {g711ulaw | g711alaw}}]


Router(config-voi-serv)# fax protocol t38  ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback  pass-through g711ulaw

Specifies the global default ITU-T T.38 standard fax protocol to be used for all VoIP dial peers.

ls_redundancy value—  (Optional) (T.38 fax relay only) Specifies the number of redundant T.38  fax packets to be sent for the low-speed V.21-based T.30 fax machine  protocol. Range varies by platform from 0 (no redundancy) to 5 or 7.  Default is 0.

hs_redundancy value—  (Optional) (T.38 fax relay only) Specifies the number of redundant T.38  fax packets to be sent for high-speed V.17, V.27, and V.29 T.4 or T.6  fax machine image data. Range varies by platform from 0 (no redundancy)  to 2 or 3. Default is 0.

fallback—(Optional)  A fallback mode is used to transfer a fax across a VoIP network if T.38  fax relay could not be successfully negotiated at the time of the fax  transfer.

pass-through—(Optional) The fax stream uses one of the following high-bandwidth codecs:

g711ulaw—Uses the G.711 u-law codec.

g711alaw—Uses the G.711 a-law codec.

Step 9 



Router(config-voi-serv)# exit

Exits voice-service configuration mode.

Step 10 

voice register pool pool-tag


Router(config)# voice register pool  11

Enters voice register pool configuration mode to set phone-specific  parameters for a Cisco Unified SIP phone in Cisco Unified CME.

pool-tag—Unique number assigned to the pool. Range: 1 to 100.

Step 11 

id mac address


Router(config-register-pool)# id mac  93FE.12D8.2301

Identifies a locally available Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.

mac address—Identifies the MAC address of a particular Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.

Step 12 

type phone-type


Router(config-register-pool)# type ATA-187

Defines a phone type for the SIP phone being configured.

Step 13 

ata-ivr-pwd password


Router(config-register-pool)# ata-ivr-pwd 1234

(Optional) Defines a password to access interactive voice response (IVR)  and change the default phone settings on Cisco Analog Telephone  Adaptors.

password—Four-digit or five-digit string to be used as password to access IVR. Password string must contain numbers 0 to 9.

Step 14 

session-transport {tcp | udp}


Router(config-register-pool)# session-transport  tcp

(Optional) Specifies the transport layer protocol that a Cisco Unified SIP IP phone uses to connect to Cisco Unified CME.

tcp—Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used.

udp—User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used. This is the default.

Step 15 

number tag dn dn-tag


Router(config-register-pool)# number 1 dn 33

Indicates the E.164 phone numbers that the registrar permits to handle the Register message from the Cisco Unified SIP IP phone.

tag—Identifies the telephone number when there are multiple number commands. Range: 1 to 10.

dn dn-tag—Identifies the directory number tag for this phone number as defined by the voice register dn command. Range: 1 to 150.

Step 16 

username username [password password]


Router(config-register-pool)# username ata112  password cisco

Assigns an authentication credential to a phone user so that the SIP phone can register in Cisco Unified CME.

username—Username of the local Cisco IP phone user. Default: Admin.

password—Enables password for the Cisco IP phone user.

password—Password string.

Step 17 

codec codec-type [bytes]


Router(config-register-pool)# codec g711ulaw

Specifies the codec to be used when setting up a call for a SIP phone or group of SIP phones in Cisco Unified CME.

codec-type—Preferred codec; values are as follows:

g711alaw—G.711 A-law 64K bps.

g711ulaw—G.711 micro-law 64K bps.

g722r64—G.722-64K at 64K bps.

g729r8—G.729 8K bps (default).

ilbc—internet Low Bitrate Codec (iLBC) at 13,330 bps or 15,200 bps.

Step 18 



Router(config-register-pool)# end

Exits to privileged EXEC mode.
