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Call Forward to External Mainline+Extension

Jin Zhang
Level 1
Level 1

Customer wants to setup call forward to an external number,  the external number is one extension of one company, not direct line.   As my understand, we can dial the number "123456,2222" by mobile phone, the call is successful.  123456 is the company mainline number, and 2222 is one extension number in that company.  

My question is if we can setup call forward, transation route or route pattern in Call Manager to reach "123456,2222"?    Customer needs the call can reach extension 2222 directly, not reach mainline 123456 firstly, and then was transfered to 2222 by operator.  

5 Replies 5

Marwan ALshawi
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Once CUCM forward the call to a number

It's up to that system how to route or Handel the call

If you have a direct number of the other end then this whatnyou need to forward the call to

That system recognizes the comma.  But the comma can not be set in CUCM.  That mean we can not setup "123456,2222" in call forward field. 

If you mean you want to dial a DN 123456, once once you connect and you're in some kind of AA send 2222 to be transferred, not possible with CUCM

CUCM has nothing thas is recognized as a pause in the dial patterns.

You would need to do this via Unity or CUC where the comma is recognized as a 1 second pause.



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if this helps, please rate

Javalenc,  Thanks!

I tested "123456,2222" via CUC.  I head greeting from AA(123456), the call was not transfer to extension 2222. 

In CUC, the comma is recognized as 1 second pause.  Can the pause be sent to PSTN via CUCM and Voice Gateway? In our environment the routing plan is CUC---->CUCM---->VG---->PSTN.

I may need to set two or three comma to extend pause duration.  such as "123456,,,2222".  I will test again.

You can use my "speed-dial with pauses" TCL/IVR script for the purpose. At,