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CME Call forwarding with specific number

Michael Durham
Level 4
Level 4

We have 3 DID's and one of them uses SNR so that incoming calls ring on the CME system and a cell phone at the same time.  This works perfectly.  The second and third DID also need to forward to different cell phones but SNR seem to only be applied to one ephone-dn at a time.  Is there any way around this?

This is what we would like to have working
  ephone-dn 1 octal
number 3862223333
    SNR 3865551212
  ephone-dn 2 octal
number 3864446666
SNR 3865551234
  ephone-dn 3 octal
number 3866669999
SNR 3865559999

Another option would be for ephone-dn 2 to use call-forward-all when we are not in the office and either show 3864446666 or the calling caller-id with a suffix of 777 (ie: 3523721111777) and ephone-dn 3 call-forward-all and either show 3866669999 or the calling caller-id with a suffix of 999 (ie: 3523721111999) when someone calling from 3523721111 calls.

It looks like the could be done except that we need ephone-dn 2 and 3 to be configured as a single line. This does not work as it limits inbound calls to just one per number.

Could we use a dial-plane to do this? But, we need to keep in mind that if a person in the office dials the cell phone 3865551234 or 3865559999, it does not need to be modified or amended. If this is the best method, please provide the code.

Thank You


1 Reply 1

Michael Durham
Level 4
Level 4

I finally figured out a solution to this issue and it does NOT include loopback-dn's to be configured.  

First, create you ephone-dn as normal with your call-forwarding number

ephone-dn 5 octal
number 13865551234 no-reg both
label DSA 
description DSA
name DSA
call-forward all 13865559876
call-forward busy 5000
call-forward noan 5000 timeout 25
corlist incoming Keyring-National

Then create a translation rule and profile

voice translation-rule 8
rule 1 /.........../ /13865551234/
voice translation-profile DSA_CLID
translate calling 8

Finally, create a very specific dial-peer as follows

dial-peer voice 205 voip
translation-profile outgoing DSA_CLID
preference 1
destination-pattern 13865559876
session protocol sipv2
session target sip-server
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip profiles 1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte

That is it.  Very clean and simple