03-04-2014 04:30 PM - edited 03-16-2019 10:00 PM
I have a growing number of CP7961G and 41G phones in one of my buildings that go into a state where they continuously reboot and my only recourse is to swap them out with a spare. My telecomm specialist is concerned that if this continues, we will run out of spares.
Particulars: We are running UCM v7.1.5, non-clustered, on a publisher and a subscriber. The phones are about 6 years old. The building is served by three Catalyst 3560-48PS which are not approaching their PoE limits. We have verified that the problem is not related to a particular switch, port, or patch cord. The phone will continue rebooting when we bring it back to the test bench. Wiping out its config in UCM and putting a different config on it has no effect.
It is something of a challenge to grab any logs off the phone between reboots, but I managed to retrieve the following messages right before it went down. Any advice?
2662: NOT 14:15:52.387021 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.fullyregistered value=true
2663: NOT 14:15:52.389162 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - FULLY_REGISTERED - Resetting retry installer interval
2664: NOT 14:15:52.391383 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.pushregistry.e:? - setAcceptConnections - ENABLED
2665: NOT 14:15:52.393446 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.settings.fullyregistered value=true
2666: NOT 14:15:52.395528 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - FULLY_REGISTERED - Resetting retry installer interval
2667: NOT 14:15:52.397532 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.pushregistry.e:? - setAcceptConnections - ENABLED
2668: NOT 14:15:52.399608 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
2669: WRN 14:15:52.402999 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.mmgr.dt:? - [MediaMgrSM]: Unhandled Event, State = StateOnHook Event = EventServicesTxStop
2670: ERR 14:15:52.405170 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.rms.RecordStoreImpl:midp.rms.IOExceptionInCompactRS - Exception while loading(262160) a RecordHeader() in compactRecords(): java.io.IOException: load invalid offset 262160
2671: ERR 14:15:52.419248 JVM: 2:15:52p|java.io.IOException: load invalid offset 262160
at cip.midp.rms.b.a(I)V(Unknown Source)
at cip.midp.rms.RecordStoreImpl.compactRecords()V(Unknown Source)
at cip.midp.rms.RecordStoreImpl.flush()V(Unknown Source)
at cip.props.a.b()V(Unknown Source)
at cip.props.f.a()V(Unknown Source)
at cip.props.PropertyManager.timerFired(Lcip/sys/k;)V(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.ar.a(Lcip/sys/ab;Lcip/sys/x;)V(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.ar.sinkMessage(Lcip/sys/x;)V(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.n.sinkMessage(Lcip/sys/x;)V(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.aa.a(Lcip/sys/ad;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.aa.e()V(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.l.run()V(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.startup(Z)V(Unknown Source)
2672: ERR 14:15:52.423225 JVM: Startup Module Loader|PropertyManager:timerFired - Exception flushing RMS.javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException: Exception while loading(262160) a RecordHeader() in compactRecords(): java.io.IOException: load invalid offset 262160deleting primary RMS and requesting hardreset to load backup RMS.
2673: ERR 14:15:52.425558 JVM: Startup Module Loader|RmsPropertyStore:? - javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException: deleteRecordStore error: record store is still open
2674: NOT 14:15:52.472344 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - --->ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.system.systemstate
2675: NOT 14:15:52.474498 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - <---ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.system.systemstate
2676: ERR 14:15:52.476791 JVM: SystemManager n/a SYSTEM_RESTARTING
2677: ERR 14:15:52.617343 JVM: SystemManager n/a *systemUnload -->*
2678: ERR 14:15:52.619287 JVM: SystemManager n/a unloadAllModules ->
2679: ERR 14:15:52.621685 JVM: SystemManager n/a Unload in this order:
2680: ERR 14:15:52.623620 JVM: SystemManager n/a SCCP Call Control
2681: ERR 14:15:52.625579 JVM: SystemManager n/a InstallerModule
2682: ERR 14:15:52.627558 JVM: SystemManager n/a NotificationModule
2683: ERR 14:15:52.629416 JVM: SystemManager n/a SubscriptionManager
2684: ERR 14:15:52.631503 JVM: SystemManager n/a Starts Automation Feature
2685: ERR 14:15:52.633381 JVM: SystemManager n/a Sidecar
2686: ERR 14:15:52.635212 JVM: SystemManager n/a Vieo
2687: ERR 14:15:52.637111 JVM: SystemManager n/a AppStatus
2688: ERR 14:15:52.638977 JVM: SystemManager n/a Help
2689: ERR 14:15:52.640997 JVM: SystemManager n/a Go4
2690: ERR 14:15:52.642971 JVM: SystemManager n/a Messages
2691: ERR 14:15:52.644974 JVM: SystemManager n/a Directories
2692: ERR 14:15:52.646820 JVM: SystemManager n/a Services
2693: ERR 14:15:52.648743 JVM: SystemManager n/a Settings
2694: ERR 14:15:52.650702 JVM: SystemManager n/a Push Service
2695: ERR 14:15:52.652569 JVM: SystemManager n/a HTTP Server/Microservlet Container
2696: ERR 14:15:52.654502 JVM: SystemManager n/a HTTP
2697: ERR 14:15:52.656352 JVM: SystemManager n/a Config Manager
2698: ERR 14:15:52.658176 JVM: SystemManager n/a Security
2699: ERR 14:15:52.660245 JVM: SystemManager n/a TFTP Client
2700: ERR 14:15:52.662092 JVM: SystemManager n/a Call UI
2701: ERR 14:15:52.663910 JVM: SystemManager n/a Media Manager
2702: ERR 14:15:52.665803 JVM: SystemManager n/a Call Agent
2703: ERR 14:15:52.667676 JVM: SystemManager n/a Application Manager
2704: ERR 14:15:52.669492 JVM: SystemManager n/a Display
2705: ERR 14:15:52.671540 JVM: SystemManager n/a Input Manager
2706: ERR 14:15:52.673500 JVM: SystemManager n/a Localization Manager
2707: ERR 14:15:52.675439 JVM: SystemManager n/a Reset Service
2708: ERR 14:15:52.677400 JVM: SystemManager n/a Property Manager
2709: ERR 14:15:52.679351 JVM: SystemManager n/a Timer Manager
2710: ERR 14:15:52.681306 JVM: SystemManager n/a Trace Service
2711: ERR 14:15:52.683319 JVM: SystemManager n/a Trace Manager
2712: ERR 14:15:52.685942 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "SCCP Call Control"/sccpccapi(31) is UNLOADING
2713: ERR 14:15:52.814693 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "SCCP Call Control"/sccpccapi(31) is UNLOADED
2714: ERR 14:15:52.819241 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "InstallerModule"/installer(30) is UNLOADING
2715: WRN 14:15:52.892189 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sccp.cn:? - Read exception: java.net.SocketException: Error 0
Close(d) Connection ..., errno=135
2716: ERR 14:15:52.907053 JVM: 2:15:52p|java.net.SocketException: Error 0
at cip.io.SecureInputStream.socketRead([BII)I(Native Method)
at cip.io.SecureInputStream.read([BII)I(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill()V(Unknown Source)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read()I(Unknown Source)
at java.io.DataInputStream.readInt()I(Unknown Source)
at cip.io.i.readInt()I(Unknown Source)
at cip.sccp.ax.a()Lcip/sccp/bu;(Unknown Source)
at cip.sccp.cn.e()V(Unknown Source)
at cip.sys.l.run()V(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.startup(Z)V(Unknown Source)
2717: NOT 14:15:53.293053 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.g:onRun - FinalizeObjectThread INTERRUPTED
2718: ERR 14:15:53.297661 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "InstallerModule"/installer(30) is UNLOADED
2719: ERR 14:15:53.300806 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "NotificationModule"/notification(29) is UNLOADING
2720: ERR 14:15:53.303783 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "NotificationModule"/notification(29) is UNLOADED
2721: ERR 14:15:53.306581 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "SubscriptionManager"/subscriptionman(28) is UNLOADING
2722: ERR 14:15:53.318673 JVM: SystemManager n/a module "SubscriptionManager"/subscriptionman(28) is UNLOADED
... ... ...
2819: NOT 14:16:00.563892 SYSMSG: pid 16 (/ubin/dsp) Normal Exit, status = 1
2820: INF 14:16:00.563965 runtime = 135.140 secs
2821: INF 14:16:00.564011 user cpu = 0.136747533 secs
2822: INF 14:16:00.564054 system cpu = 0.489695153 secs
2823: INF 14:16:00.564091 child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs
2824: INF 14:16:00.564125 child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs
2825: INF 14:16:00.564173 sys interrupts = 1.283613038 secs for 20499 interrupts
2826: INF 14:16:00.564219 total cpu = 0.626692686 secs ( 0% utilization )
2827: NOT 14:16:01.250272 DHCP: SIGTERM received...DHCP is exiting
2828: NOT 14:16:01.500314 DNS: SIGTERM received...DNS is exiting
2829: ERR 14:16:01.750246 login: [3]:loginSIGTERM signo:23
2830: ERR 14:16:01.750682 login: [3]:tcgetattr failed errno:25
2831: NOT 14:16:02.021689 SECD: exitHandler: ** EXITING, Ver: 1.4(1.2) [May 11 2011, 08:03:23] **
2832: NOT 14:16:06.120490 init: Starting /sbin/inetd
2833: NOT 14:16:06.124411 init: /sbin/inetd started as pid=7
2834: NOT 14:16:06.175078 INETD: pid = 7
2835: NOT 14:16:06.175901 INETD: vvlan = 0 will be initiazed to 4096
2836: NOT 14:16:06.179804 INETD: sshAccessReadConf: sshAccess = 0
2837: NOT 14:16:06.505331 init: Starting /sbin/imgauthd
2838: NOT 14:16:06.509235 init: /sbin/imgauthd started as pid=20
2839: NOT 14:16:06.510234 init: Starting /bin/tftpClient
2840: NOT 14:16:06.514066 init: /bin/tftpClient started as pid=23
2841: NOT 14:16:06.514896 init: Starting /bin/secd
2842: NOT 14:16:06.518723 init: /bin/secd started as pid=14
2843: NOT 14:16:06.519551 init: Starting /bin/ntp
2844: NOT 14:16:06.523520 init: /bin/ntp started as pid=12
2845: NOT 14:16:06.524351 init: Starting /ubin/vieo
2846: NOT 14:16:06.528190 init: /ubin/vieo started as pid=10
2847: NOT 14:16:06.529020 init: Starting /ubin/dsp
2848: NOT 14:16:06.533004 init: /ubin/dsp started as pid=31
2849: NOT 14:16:06.533834 init: Starting /sbin/ewcl
2850: NOT 14:16:06.537658 init: /sbin/ewcl started as pid=25
2851: NOT 14:16:06.538484 init: Starting /bin/mkdir
2852: NOT 14:16:06.547443 init: /bin/mkdir started as pid=21
2853: NOT 14:16:06.565041 CDP-D: pid = 30
2854: NOT 14:16:06.582629 DHCP6: COLDBOOT - wait 4 seconds...
2855: NOT 14:16:06.589560 PAE: pid = 13
2856: NOT 14:16:06.592548 PAE: phone is not single port
2857: WRN 14:16:06.599864 PAE: paeReadPCStatus: empty file
2858: NOT 14:16:06.600744 PAE: link-0 is UP
2859: NOT 14:16:06.601574 PAE: starting supplicant
2861: NOT 14:16:06.603180 PAE: supplicant is disabled
2862: NOT 14:16:06.603987 PAE: paeSetLastSupStatus: LastSupStatus 0
2863: NOT 14:16:07.808304 ESP: send ADMIN, logging = 1, shell = 0, ipconfig = 1
2864: NOT 14:16:07.820307 IMG_AUTH: Version: 3.6(1.0): TNP REL
2865: NOT 14:16:07.821288 IMG_AUTH: model: CP-7961G, check for built-in key
2866: NOT 14:16:07.822133 IMG_AUTH: built-in platform RELEASE key is present
2867: NOT 14:16:07.822938 IMG_AUTH: built-in common RELEASE key is present
2868: NOT 14:16:07.824329 IMG_AUTH: TNP, built-in keys : Platform (curr), Common (curr)
2869: NOT 14:16:07.830481 tftpClient: pid = 23
2870: NOT 14:16:07.847867 SECD: main: Starting... Ver: 1.4(1.2) [May 11 2011, 08:03:23]
2871: NOT 14:16:07.853471 SECD: initSecMode: resuming sec mode NONE
2872: WRN 14:16:07.875848 SECD: WARN:loadCert: phone has no LSC cert
2873: NOT 14:16:07.876880 SECD: initResources: have cert+pkey: MIC only, no LSC
2874: NOT 14:16:07.877924 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA SHA1 Self-Tests Passed
2875: NOT 14:16:07.879697 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA HMAC-SHA1 Self-Tests Passed
2876: NOT 14:16:07.881400 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA AES Self-Tests Passed
2877: NOT 14:16:07.882752 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA 3DES Self-Tests Passed
2878: NOT 14:16:08.232243 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA Sign/Verify Self-Tests Passed
2879: NOT 14:16:08.233274 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA RNG Self-Tests Passed
2880: NOT 14:16:08.234162 SECD: perform_selftests: FIPS RSA Library Self-Tests Passed
2881: NOT 14:16:08.235031 SECD: runFipsPostTests: FIPS Security Information: RSA Self-Tests Passed
2882: NOT 14:16:08.236899 SECD: TL_initFromCTLFile: No TL file: /flash0/sec/ctl/CTLFile.tlv
2883: WRN 14:16:08.238165 SECD: WARN:initCTL: ** phone has NO CTL file **
2884: NOT 14:16:08.239709 SECD: TL_initFromITLFile: No TL file: /flash0/sec/ctl/ITLFile.tlv
2885: WRN 14:16:08.241073 SECD: WARN:initCTL: ** phone has NO ITL file**
2886: WRN 14:16:08.241978 SECD: WARN:resetSecMode: ** WARN ** resetting sec mode to NONE (non-secure)
2887: NOT 14:16:08.244938 SECD: clearCapfList: CAPF table cleared
2888: NOT 14:16:08.246183 SECD: initCapfClnt: CAPF clnt initialized
2889: ERR 14:16:08.251313 SECD: EROR:initEntropy: Calling R_rand_seed with bytes 128
... ... ...
03-04-2014 09:07 PM
If your switch is Cisco, can you please specify the exact model of the switch?
03-05-2014 02:04 PM
I believe you can find that in my original post, unless I misunderstand your question, in which case I apologize.
03-05-2014 04:30 PM
Ok, you got 3560. Just want to make sure you have the switches with FastEthernet access ports, right?
Do you have any switches with copper GigabitEthernet?
03-05-2014 05:17 PM
Yes, these are FastE ports on the 3560s.
I have a 3750 with GigEthernet PoE ports in another building.
03-05-2014 05:38 PM
Too bad. I was hoping you had one where the faulty phone is so you could do a TDR.
03-05-2014 05:52 PM
If this is happening across multiple 3560s in a building, and with different patch cords, and when directly plugged into a test switch (a 3560-8PC), wouldn't you say most of the problems a TDR can detect would be ruled out? Unless perhaps some flaky office connections are corrupting TFTP transfers to the phones. In that case I would image the replacement phones eventually having problems as well.
I was wondering if the Record Store Exception messages in lines 2670-2672 might be some clue. I'm not familiar with what to expect in normal logs, but those strike me as suspicious.
03-05-2014 08:14 PM
- Have you attempted the factory reset procedure on the phones? What's the result?
- Do you have 7941/61s elsewhere on the same cluster not displaying the issue?
- What firmware version are the phones running?
- What do the cucm traces look like leading up to the issue?
- What if anything is different about this site than another?
03-10-2014 04:19 PM
Aaron, thank you for the troubleshooting tips! I am more of a routing/switching guy rather than IP telephony.
My availability to troubleshoot the issue has dwindled temporarily for a few days due to an upcoming audit so I haven't had a chance to follow through on everything you listed, but I did find the factory reset procedure and gave that a whirl on the defunct phones and that successfully resucitated them.
What remains to be solved then is determining what put them into this state. I hope your additional suggestions will lead me to an answer.
Let me throw in here that upon examining my three switch logs again, I believe the switches may be removing power from the phones. I am getting a number of "%ILPOWER-5-IEEE_DISCONNECT: Interface Fa0/xx: PD removed " messages which I originally thought were triggered by the phone restarts but am now of the belief that they lead ahead of the restarts. So that would point to a PoE or power problem of some sort. Since this occurs across three different switches in the building, I don't believe I am looking at a malfunctioning switch. Though in considering what is different about this building from all the others I maintain, something recently occurred to me, this building has solar panels! So now I'm beginning to wonder if something about its power inverters is disagreeing with my PoE?
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