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CUE AA with CCM 6.0 and FXO Dial-Peer Issue !!!

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Voice Gurus,

I'm having an issue with a AIM-CUE and CCM when configuring AA ...

Environment is:

CCM                    6.0

VGW                    2811 + 4 FXO VIC + AIM-CUE running 7.1

Signalling is MGCP

The FXO card has GSM terminals connected to it for inbound/outbound to the GSM network. I want to include those terminals

in my AA scripts so when a user from the GSM network dials one of those 4 numbers, they get directed to the AA.

So far:

1) CCM config is completed (CTI ports, CTI route points and JTAPI user) and they all show as registered with CCM.

2) On the VGW, dial-peer for AA internal pilot is fine and if you dial the pilot extension internally you get the nice lady from the AIM AA default script.

I'm having trouble with users calling from the outside !!! I think it's a brain bug but I cannot figure out the right dial-peer ...

Let's say the local GSM numbers are: 0507778881/2/3/4

I know that MGCP doesn't support Caller-ID on FXO lines, is this related to my problem when it comes to matching the pattern?!

Help ....


3 Replies 3

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

If you use MGCP, dial-peers have no significance, and all call routing is done by CUCM.

Thanks Paolo ...

But how can I tell CCM to forward the incoming calls to the voice gateway which has the AIM-CUE card? Keep in mind that the calls that I'm expecting will arrive on FXO ports and not E1 PRI.

I tried to find a configuration example on Cisco's website with no luck !!!



Should be in manual or SRND under "integrating Voice Mail".