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Duplicate .wav after opening with ViewMail for Outlook

Jason Aarons
Level 6
Level 6

End user is reporting "I received a voicemail which hit both the voicemail system and my email  with the .wav file attached. I used the Viewmail feature from the  Outlook preview pane to listen to the message. A few minutes later I opened the  message in Outlook and noticed the multiple attachments."

Viewmail for Outlook

Outlook 2003SP1

Unity Connection 8.5(1)SU2 with Exchange 2007SP1 Single Inbox via EWS

24 Replies 24

Level 1
Level 1


I'm experiencing something similiar and stumbled upon this post during my research. I randomly get 2 email messages for one voicemail message when using VMO 8.64 in Outlook 2010 SIB with Connection 8.61a with Exchange 2007SP1 EWS.

Any luck on a resolution on your end?



I'm having same issue, randomly receiving duplicate email messages for the same voicemail in Outlook.

My environment is Exchange 2010 EWS, Outlook 2010, Unity Connection Version 8.5.1ES47 and ViewMail for Outlook or same issue with both versions.

I will let you know if I find anything. Any results on your side?

My client told me that she had not experienced the duplicates in a couple of days. Given that it will most likely resurface I asked her to have the Exchange admin rebuild her Outlook profile but still waiting on the confirmation if that has been performed yet.

She is the only user who was using her workstation as the "guinea pig" for pushing out the VMO and the only user experiencing the duplicates. Not sure if the multiple install/uninstall of the VMO and related dependencies caused the issue.

How many users do you have experiencing the duplicates in your rollout? I'm still in pilot mode with about 10 users on Connection while the remaing 500 are still on Unity.

I have pilot group of 30 people and planning to deploy Single-Inbox and Viewmail to another 1500. Profile reinstall didn't fix the problem. The issue is observed with three users, two of them installed and uninstalled Viewmail multile times, but the third one has it since begining without changes/reinstalls.

Blackberries add to the equation. BES 5x

It would appear the issue is around Outlook Cached Mode.  Users running multiple versions of Outlook 2003 Cached Mode we are able to duplicate the issue with high volumes of voicemail. I bet the BES server is processing the mail as well when VMO is opening the message.  However I don't have a way to "debug" or prove this is the problem.

Jason - My client is a BB shop as well. I don't know the version of BES buy finding out now.

dhristov2010 - How about you?

Curious if this is a commonality and hopefully can point us to the culprit if it isn't Cisco. I got some time today so I think I'm going to open a TAC case.


Have your TAC engineer reference our case SR 619590979

Will do. How long have you had that open?

3+ weeks

Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.0.3 MR 4 (bundle 107)

We have BES 5.0.2 MR5. I can confirm that now most of my pilot group users have seen this problelm at least once. Recreating outlook profile didn't fix the issue, disabling cached mode on Outlook isn't an option for us.

All those pilot group users are also migrating from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2010 and from Windows XP to W7, so that confirms Jason's theory about mixed mode environment.

Jason, if you say this may have something to do with BES, then we have also an issue with delay receiving Unity VM messages on BB which in turn may be part of the problem with duplicate emails, here is what I found:


Cisco CSCtk52978 Bug Details - Delay in synchronization of SingleInbox messages to Blackberry devices via BES:


Voice messages take anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes before they are presented to user's Blackberry device.


Unity Connection configured for Unified Messaging (aka Single Inbox) feature. BES service installed in Exchange environment.

Additional Information:

Due to the way that UCxN posts messages to user inboxes, Exchange generates a type of notification to the BES that BES currently does not process. A fix for BES and Cisco is forthcoming.

For the BlackBerry Enterprise Server:

Customers will need to apply BES version 5.0.3 MR5 which will be available by the end of October from RIM.

If it is an urgent requirement for them they can call RIM's tech support and request a QuickFix off of 5.0.3 MR4 for devtask 1161394.

For Cisco Unity Connection:

If running Exch 2007 or 2010, no patch (or Engineering Special - ES) is required for Connection


My next step is to upgrade BES server and see if this helps.

Let me know guys if TAC help you out.

Our BES server already that patch.  We also set the BES registry ProcessMailDelay to 25 seconds.

I'm now wondering the dupliacates are from BES and not VMO. Maybe we are barking up the wrong tree?

I just figiured, I have a user with the duplicate emails (conflict) problem that isn't a BlackBerry user....oups, we are back to step one

Even though you don’t have a Blackberry, the BES still talks to the message store is my bet.

This fixed it for my 1 user.

Try running outlook.exe with the /cleanprofile switch from the "run" box. I just found out it worked for my 1 user who had this issue. It's been amost a month with no duplicates; before cleaning her profile she was getting them daily. You may have to run this from the command prompt from the directory where outlook.exe is installed. On my XP machine with Outlook 2007 it is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12>outlook.exe /cleanprofile

Please report back and let me know how it goes.