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jabber working without _collab-edge?

Level 6
Level 6

i came to a ready made site with jabber with vcs-expressway and vcs-control , i noticed when i used dns lookup on my domain that there is no "" but only "" and "" , and the jabber is working fine but from my understanding jabber need "" to work from outside so how come it can work without it ?

9 Replies 9

Varundeep Chhatwal
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

you must be having a different collab edge domain. please check and confirm.

is it possible to find my _collab-edge address from my vcs-expressway public ip address?

Look through the logs, it will confirm the method of service discovery and domain used.

If you're not sure where to look for the logs it's probably best to log out of Jabber, reset Jabber, log back in then generate a PRT then extract and open up jabber.log

Ctrl+F to search within for "_collab-edge" "", "<domain>", srv, or even @ and see what you can find.


do you mean using jabber on windows? also how do i generate a PRT? on the windows machine that have the jabber client on?

go to help --> report a problem in order to generate the file

When you log in for the first time on jabber you are prompted for an e-mail address. this domain can be differente form the Expressway E domain.

When you press continue Jabber will search for the service record, you can check the discovery process locally on a windows machine by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+D, the last row of the report will be your _collab-edge SRV

you can use CTRL+SHIFT+D even when you are logged in, it will display the current information, included the edge record if you are logged in trough expressway.

you can check the service record from outside you company using an online toll provided by cisco TAC, named VCS service Checker, it only ask you the domain to check (you need to provide the same domain you use for the first discovery in Jabber)
Here the tool

I can do the same check from your own Expressway E

Same domain as before is required.

all this checks hopefully lead to the same results.


Jaime Valencia
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Exactly how did you arrive to the conclusion that there is not _collab-edge?

Did you just use the DNS lookup on the VCS to came to that conclusion??

Or did you use nslookup on an OUTSIDE machine to look for the _collab-edge SRV?

Have you tried logging via MRA?? or do you just say it works, when you're using it internally???

What's the domain?? anybody can tell you if there's a _collab-edge SRV or not



if this helps, please rate

Les Pruden
Level 4
Level 4

Hi -

You can check you collab-edge SRV record yourself.

If you have a MAC you can use DIG -- for example

open Terminal and enter --> dig @ SRV

If you have a PC you can use Google --

 enter -->     in the name box and then choose SRV from the selection below.

In both cases you should see your expressway FQDN in the answer section

fortunatley i have found the record , for some reason the srv record isnt shown using my domain alone in the dns lookup tool?