Les Pruden
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎06-21-2010

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  • 112 Posts
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  • 260 Helpful votes Received
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Hi - I have a strange problem and I'm looking for ideas.  I have a version 9.1.2 CUCM cluster with two nodes.  I am setting up two SIP trunks to our CUSP and in CUSP I have configured the CAC to send an Options ping to each CM server.  The subscriber...
Hi  - just looking to clarify my thinking and possible resolution.  We have a number of CUCM clusters all running 8.0 (3) (( and 1 running 8.5(1) ((  We have a request to test some 7926G wireless telephones primarily f...
Has anyone written an LDAP expression that would add a digit in front of the users extension number during the import?  I need to import a few hundred users with a variety of 10 digit numbers and have them end up in Unity as a 5 digit extension.  The...
We have several 3845 voice gateways at our various locations.  Many of these have several different PRI connections and most are running H.323 protocol.  I have been looking at the CDR Analysis and Reporting area in CUCM Serviceability and specifical...
Hi there -We are running several CUCM clusters -- 7.1.3 -- and have enabled CDR on all.  We sftp the records to our third party CDR vendor who is Avotus.  We have hit a problem with Avotus which seems to be caused by the way CDR records are generated...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-21-2010 03:31 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2024 08:19 PM
Posts 112
Total Helpful Votes Received 133