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Please help, UC540 Caller-ID problem

Level 1
Level 1

Hi All.

I have that problem with UC540.

There are 4xISDN lines: BRI 0/1/0, BRI 0/1/1,BRI 0/2/0,BRI 0/2/1.

First two are showing the correct main phone number for outside calls (4112949), but other two are showing they own numbers.

Does anybody know how to fix or troubleshoot that?

Some config is below:


trunk group ALL_BRI

hunt-scheme longest-idle

translation-profile incoming Inbound-Auto-AA_Called_6

translation-profile outgoing PROFILE_ALL_BRI


voice translation-rule 4

rule 15 /^...$/ /4112949/


voice translation-rule 6

rule 1 /2949/ /501/

rule 2 /2948/ /301/

rule 3 /2960/ /501/

rule 4 /2961/ /501/

rule 5 /14161237/ /501/

rule 6 /14161243/ /501/

rule 7 /14161244/ /501/

rule 8 /14161245/ /501/


voice translation-profile Inbound-Auto-AA_Called_6

translate called 6


voice translation-profile PROFILE_ALL_BRI

translate calling 4


But from DEBUG q931, I can that they're sending the right main phone number:

001180: ISDN BR0/2/0 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x1 is 0x0 0x0, Calling num 4112949

001181: ISDN BR0/2/0 Q931: Applying typeplan for sw-type 0x1 is 0x0 0x0, Called num 8044410

001182: ISDN BR0/2/0 Q931: Sending SETUP  callref = 0x0026 callID = 0x8026 switch = basic-net3 interface = User

001183: ISDN BR0/2/0 Q931: TX -> SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x26

        Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3

                Standard = CCITT

                Transfer Capability = Speech

                Transfer Mode = Circuit

                Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s

        Channel ID i = 0x89

                Exclusive, B1

        Progress Ind i = 0x8183 - Origination address is non-ISDN

        Calling Party Number i = 0x0080, '4112949'

                Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

        Called Party Number i = 0x80, '8044410'

                Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

        Sending Complete

Any help will be appretiated.

5 Replies 5

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Likely the lines that show their own number are not in hunt-group together with the ones that show your main number.

That can only be changed by telco, you cannot do anything about it.

can you post complete runing config , and the debug of q931 when not sending the right number

Level 1
Level 1


Please find attached files. One with config (removed some unnessesary info), another one with Debug q931 and q921, and Debug Voice Translation.

The first 2 x ISDN were ordered first (phones started from 411....) and I configured UC540 only for them. Then other 2 x ISDN were order and they got 416.... numbers, and they don't show outgoing Caller-id as 4112949 as first two.

I'm not sure now if it's my config problem or the  telco overrides my outgoing number for 416.... numbers.

If I contact the telco can they check that and change that outgoing caller-id?



sorry I did not get your question , I thought you meant by their own number (the phone) , but in fact you mean the nb of the BRI

I have just checked your config and your debug , and as I notice seems to be ok

this is your teleco which overriding the nb you send ; just as Paolo Bevilacqua said

Check this with them



Thanks for your help.

I will check that with ISDN provider.
