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SQL insert blfspeeddial Number to a phone device

Level 1
Level 1

Hello everyone, 


Sometimes I must create a lot of SIP Phone where within I must put in approximatively 36 blfspeeddial numbers and all phones have the same numbers list.

So I was searching for a solution to put in all those numbers with a sql query.


I made this query to list all BLFspeeddial configured in a specific Phone :

run sql SELECT d.pkid,, d.description, blf.blfindex, blf.label, blf.blfdestination FROM blfspeeddial as blf inner join device as d on blf.fkdevice=d.pkid WHERE'SEPxxxxxxxxxxxx'


This one to list all blfspeeddial configured in the system

run sql SELECT * FROM blfspeeddial ORDER BY fkdevice


and now I try to add blfspeeddial on an existing phone but can't find the solution :

I've tried something like this but without result : 

Run sql INSERT INTO blfspeeddial (label, fkdevice, blfindex, blfdestination) VALUES ('labeltest', '04ef2694-53c8-35d8-335c-9fedb7d60a62', '2', '12288')


I have low knowledge with sql and I'm new to the CUCM world so I was thinking that someone had the same problem one time, and did find the solution :)





1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Brandon Buffin
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

One option is to use BAT (Bulk Administration Tool). In CUCM go to Bulk Administration > Phones > Update Phones > Query. Enter a query for the phone(s) to be updated. I recommend testing on one phone to start. After you click Next there is an option and the bottom of the screen to assign speed dials using a template.



View solution in original post

3 Replies 3

Brandon Buffin
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

One option is to use BAT (Bulk Administration Tool). In CUCM go to Bulk Administration > Phones > Update Phones > Query. Enter a query for the phone(s) to be updated. I recommend testing on one phone to start. After you click Next there is an option and the bottom of the screen to assign speed dials using a template.



Thanks for your answer again,


I will look at that



I found the template to do that and everything but i have the bugged version of cucm ( so I need to update it before use this feature.


Thanks for everything ;)