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TEHO - Legal Countries

Carl Ratcliffe
Level 3
Level 3

Hi Support Community

I am in the process of setting up TEHO across 3 clusters using breakout points in around 30 countries. The configuration part i am ok with but what im struggling to find information on is exactly were TEHO is legal or more importantly the countries were it is illegal. I cannot find anything official that details this information. So what i first need to know is does anyone know exactly what countries TEHO is illegal ?

Secondly from what i have found the Middle East and India keep being mentioned as being illegal but then other people state that it is only illegal to use TEHO outbound from these countries becasue it is the toll bypass part depriving the country from revenue that is the issue, however calls from other countries can use TEHO and to break out of these countries.

Any advise would be appreciated ?

Thanks, Carl

2 Replies 2

Level 1
Level 1

I too, would like to know where to find the info regarding legal vs illegal countries to use TEHO with CUCM.

Hi Carl,

As per Cisco's TEHO case study

Identify regulatory restrictions. Government regulations determine how long-distance voice calls can be routed:

  • In some countries, all voice calls—internal or  external, local or long-distance—must be sent entirely over the PSTN.
  • Some countries do not permit TEHO or routing of  external voice calls over an IP telephony network.
  • A country may not allow TEHO, but permit  long-distance  internal voice calls to be sent over the corporate WAN instead of  the  PSTN.

These restrictions may mean that cost savings from TEHO cannot be   realized in every country. However, regional call routing to those  countries may  still result in lower charges because of lower  long-distance rates at the  regional hub than at the call’s origination  point.

Important Note: Because each network is unique and comprised  of many  combinations of private, enterprise, and public connections, Cisco’s   implementation of VoIP in any particular area does not imply third-party   authorization to implement similar services without first consulting  local  authorities. Accordingly, companies that propose to implement  advanced VoIP  telephony on an enterprise basis should review applicable  laws and regulations  in the countries in which that VoIP telephone  service will be deployed, in  order to determine the current regulatory  requirements. They may also wish to  enlist legal counsel in these   countries.

Based on above information it is clear that there is no simple list of countries which allow or do not allow TEHO.

I would also wait for others to put forward their suggestions.

