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Two different DID on the one Voice gateway

Level 4
Level 4

We have  two different  DID number defined behind one voice gateway. Each DID requests that other side is able to see its own number on the screen. You can find my scenario I want to build: 

When an outbound call 0212555 initiates, the other side should match this call on its own pt and route pattern and DID should be appear on the screen. In addition, on the same voice gateway, when another call, say, 0212777 outbound call initiates, its own pt and route pattern should match and this DID be able to appear on other side screen.

Could you help me about the configuration on Call Manager for router pattern and pt configuration?


11 Replies 11

Vivek Batra
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni


Although you have tried to describe your scenario well, but I have problem in understanding your exact requirement.

Can you please confirm the call flow and bit more clarify your requirement?

- Vivek

Here is my call flow.

ISP-- CUBE---Route pattern BX ---CUCM <--H323-Voice gateway---QSIG- Siemens PBX- DID: 0212555 and 0212777

I have one h323 voice  gateway that behind tow different DID .

Those calling number should be  manipulate on the cucm with route pattern.

İf 777 calls to pstn mobile the number sould be  display 0212777 on the screen

if 555 calls to pstn mobile the number sould be display 0212555 on the screen.

How can I do that with this configuration.

I created   two partition  (partition name:BX for  0212777)  and (partition name: AX:0212555)


Which protocol you have in between CUBE and CUCM?

You can apply digit manipulation at route group level. No need to create separate partitions. At route group level, add prefix as 0212.

In CUCM, ensure that h323 gateway CSS can see the route pattern partition (to allow outbound calls to mobile).

- Vivek

on cucm using sccp for ipphone
cube using sip call forwarding for sip .But i can not understand how can i do that two separate route group

If i define one route pattern with using BX partition i will match always same partition for all call.
I must parse two DID  on the same voice gateway (0212555 and 0212777)

Are 555 and 777 not two different extensions/phones in Siemens? If yes, CUCM will get different CLI from those two extensions. Both can match the same route pattern. Now when call reaches to route group level, we can add prefix 0212 so that call made by 555 will update the CLI to 0212555 and 777 to 0212777.

There are two different extention in siemens 0212555= 62xx, 0212777=82xx

but how can CUCM decide which extention will use route group or route pattern because route pattern using one route group at the moment.

Its not posibble to define same route pattern with  same partititon.

It will give us duplicate.

Let say mobile route pattern is 9xxxxxxxxx and in partition pt_mobile. First thing you need to ensure h323 gateway CSS has access to this partition.

Now the extension series you shared is different from what you shared before. Your issue won't resolve with multiple route pattern.

If your requirement is for all outbound calls, you can use calling party transformation at gateway level in CUCM which will allow manipulation on the basis of CLI hence you would be able to apply separate manipulation for 62xx and 82xx. 

Otherwise if you don't want to apply same manipulation for all calls, you probably need to use translation rules and profiles in CUBE which is much more granular and easily fits into your requirement.

I agree but i dont want to do this on the cube.

H323 gateway can access that i provided pt-mobile but i want to work with this case  on cucm.

What about applying at gateway level in CUCM?

I can try different resource for this case, thanks for support.


Please let us know once you are done with the solution.

- Vivek