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Level 4
Member since ‎03-12-2010

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Hi All Im trying to dial extention using with uccx if variable that I have following if varible. I noticed that I can dial only 26XXX extention range but can not dial rather than other extention range like 45000 or 03400 ı noticed that sitecode is:26...
Hi All   We had configure MS Teams with Webex using with CVI in controlhub, when i schedule meeting on the O365 web we are getting sip uri information on the meeting body but if i schedule meetin on MS Teams app sip uri information is not available i...
Hi AllWhich component cucm will looks first when the call placed on the cucm registred ip phone to pstn calls ? translation pattern or Route pattern I could not find exact any documents for this can you please someone also provide me offical cisco do...
Hi All We need a help about  ANI modification for external call forwarding, Can someone help me about this ? I found this  on the community but I'm not familar  how to do it.
Hi AllI would like to have cisco webex stencil icon like following documentsHow can I obtain these stencil Can someone help me for that ?
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-12-2010 12:37 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-29-2024 05:28 PM
Posts 513
Total Helpful Votes Received 151