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Unity Connections eth1 duplex UNKNOWN

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all, I am having a dickens of a time finding solution for this issue.  I have the following (my concern is in the eth1 output below), I am thinking it is probably a switch configuration issue at this point, but as I do not have access to the customer's switches, I thought I would run it past the group here.  I've not found anything in the forums on this yet, so thanks in advance for any help.

I am getting port alarms that show this information from our CUOM:

OperationallyDown: Interface card or network adapter operational state is not normal::Component= IF-CZTUSPINJ01VM03/4 [eth1]; AdminStatus= UP; DuplexMode= HALFDUPLEX; OperStatus= DOWN; MaxSpeed= 10000000; Type= ETHERNETCSMACD; Mode= NORMAL

Unity Connections -

admin:show version active

Active Master Version:

Active Version Installed Software Options:


admin:show hardware

HW Platform       : 7845I3
Processors        : 2
Type              : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5540  @ 2.53GHz
CPU Speed         : 2530
Memory            : 8192 MBytes
Object ID         :
OS Version        : UCOS

admin:show network failover
Bond 0
DHCP         : disabled           Status     : up 
IP Address   :      IP Mask    :
Link Detected: no                 Mode       : Auto disabled, N/A, N/A

Ethernet 0
DHCP         : disabled           Status     : up 
IP Address   :                    IP Mask    :
Link Detected: yes                Mode       : Auto disabled, Full, 100MB/s

Ethernet 1
DHCP         : disabled           Status     : up 
IP Address   :                    IP Mask    :
Link Detected: no                 Mode       : Auto disabled, Unknown! (255), 100MB/s  <<< Here is concern

Primary      :                    Secondary  :                  
Options      : timeout:5 attempts:2
Domain       : localdomain
Gateway      : on Ethernet bond0

3 Replies 3

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Chris,

I think this portion of the alarm probably tells the story;


It would seem that the switchport for eth1 has been hard coded

to half rather than full duplex as you nicely noted



Rob --

That's what I was thinking as well Rob, but just shortly got this info back from the switch guys --

USCZTSPILNJ02S#sh mac address-table | i e41f.13b7.0b5c

Vlan Mac Address Type Ports

---- ----------- -------- -----

30 e41f.13b7.0b5c DYNAMIC Fa1/0/4

USCZTSPILNJ02S#sh run int Fa1/0/4

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 321 bytes


interface FastEthernet1/0/4

description CONNECTION TO IPTel Server

switchport access vlan 30

switchport mode access

speed 100

duplex full

srr-queue bandwidth share 10 10 60 20

priority-queue out

mls qos trust cos

auto qos voip trust

no mdix auto

spanning-tree portfast

spanning-tree bpduguard enable


USCZTSPILNJ02S#sh int status | i Fa1/0/4

Fa1/0/4 CONNECTION TO IPTe connected 30 full 100 10/100BaseTX

I'm thinking it might be related to BUG


but that is for CUPS.  Scratching my head at this point, but I hate to open SR's for stuff like this.


Just to point out that if you used the

sh mac address-table | i e41f.13b7.0b5c

command this will only the that MAC once in the address table

This will be of the live CUCM server port.

Even if both ports are up and all good you only see the MAC address on the primary port.

I think you will need to trace the cable for the port that is not working

Then look at the config on that port on the lan switch



Regards, Alex. Please rate useful posts.