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Voicemail strange behavior


I have something weird with a voicemail. I searched for a solution and I finally had to change the DN. I would like to fix it because I know I'll have reassign this DN eventually.

I created a DN # 13005. When I test the BV with *13005, it instantly goes to the "BEEP" to leave a message. Once I hangup, my own phone (DN # 14282) have a message with what I let on the 13005.

It's like if any number who call it is loopback to his/her own voicemail.


I really don't understand ! 


Is there a way to see all uses of 13005 in unity ? I guess there's a redirection somewhere...


An additional informations also, I deleted the voicemail in unity. Under "Users", the 13005 don't exists BUT, it still have the same behavior when dialing *13005

2 Replies 2

One one of the account which has the problem, can you check if any
alternate number is assigned. Also, are you have custom call handlers or
standard ones.

The account that has the problem (13005) has been deleted and I still have the problem...
Calling from any phone the extension *13005 falls directly in voicemail, but the recorded message is saved in our own voicemail.

In CUCM, there's the "Route Plan Report" that shows me everywhere an DN is used. Is there something similar with the Unity ?