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changed apis for 10.5 - wrong information for phone



I'm currently implementing AXL for 10.0(1) and 10.5(1). Going through the new and changed section I found some issues with the phone object. For starters, userLocale is mentioned as new field twice. Then there's recordingMediaSource, a tag that is nowhere to be found in the schema.

Also, the remove userlocale was actually removed in 9.1(1) - the 9.1.1 schema already has it as userLocale.

Also, for future iterations, it would be helpful to have some kind of indicator where the removed tags are.. we had removed ascii fields on speeddial, blf and service (but not everything ascii is removed from the service which got me confused for a bit there).

Just a few things I noted implementing getPhone for 10.x

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

I have submitted a request to have the new and changed documentation improved and corrected.  Thanks for your input!

I have a small correction.. I did find recordingMediaSource after all.. it's in the line object. So that part is correct.

Let's continue this a bit... in <lines><dirn> the doc states that "only uuid attribute is returned in response.

Here's an excerpt from a getPhone I just did:

<line uuid="{D0D535D2-E5C0-D684-D56C-00B6BB8C4385}"><index>1</index><label/><display/><dirn uuid="{4694AB3D-D9E4-E315-E79A-D345AA05B186}"><pattern>7881</pattern><routePartitionName uuid="{A7E05A3F-FD1C-FD94-45DE-DF11D5BBDFD2}">P_INTERNAL</routePartitionName></dirn><ringSetting>Ring</ringSetting><consecutiveRingSetting>Use System Default</consecutiveRingSetting><ringSettingIdlePickupAlert /><ringSettingActivePickupAlert /><displayAscii/><e164Mask/><dialPlanWizardId /><mwlPolicy>Use System Policy</mwlPolicy><maxNumCalls>6</maxNumCalls><busyTrigger>2</busyTrigger><callInfoDisplay><callerName>true</callerName><callerNumber>false</callerNumber><redirectedNumber>false</redirectedNumber><dialedNumber>true</dialedNumber></callInfoDisplay><recordingProfileName/><monitoringCssName/><recordingFlag>Call Recording Disabled</recordingFlag><audibleMwi>Default</audibleMwi><speedDial /><partitionUsage>General</partitionUsage><associatedEndusers><enduser><userId>lsste</userId></enduser></associatedEndusers><missedCallLogging>true</missedCallLogging><recordingMediaSource>Gateway Preferred</recordingMediaSource></line>

Note that both routPartitionName with uuid is present as well as the pattern for the directory number.

And while we're on the subject of lines.. the <lines> tag can contain either an array of <line> or an array of <lineIdentifier>. I've yet to see a lineIdentifier array. they may be useful for updating or adding, given that you don't need to specify all the tags, but in a get... how do you ever get them? specify lineIdentifiers as a return tag?

In your example, the uuid is the only attribute returned.  Pattern and route partition name are elements, not attributes.  The doc may be poorly worded -- probably should read "the only attribute returned is the uuid". 

    <dirn uuid="{4694AB3D-D9E4-E315-E79A-D345AA05B186}">


        <routePartitionName uuid="{A7E05A3F-FD1C-FD94-45DE-DF11D5BBDFD2}">P_INTERNAL</routePartitionName>


I'll have to check on the lineIdentifier thing. 

both in the schema, the line that goes to the elements is dotted (which afaik should say it's optional).. the elements themselves are not dotted.. so it's really ambiguous.

Yes, you specify lineIdentifier as a returnedTag.   For example:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">




















