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ethernet cfm, creating mip on ES+ service instance with xconnect

Level 1
Level 1

Cisco 7609 ISO 15.1(2)S2

Extract from show run:

ethernet cfm ieee

ethernet evc 10041005

interface gi1/9

service instance 1005 ethernet 10041005

encapsulation dot1q 779 second-dot1q 1005

rewrite ingress tag pop 2 symmetric

xconnect <peer-ip> <vc-id> encap mpls

cfm mip level 4

My reading of Cisco literature suggests this should work. i.e. in the latest OAM incarnation there's no need to havea level 4 domain created, and no need to have a level 3 MEP on the service instance.  (I tried all that and it still doesnt work).  A show command lists the MIP:

c7609-1#show ethernet cfm ma local
Local MEPs: None

Local MIPs:
* = MIP Manually Configured
Level Port           MacAddress     SrvcInst   Type    Id      Source
*4     Gi1/9          0023.33c7.0350 1005       XCON    N/A     Static

Total Local MIPs: 1

But I don't see any evidence that it is working.  I have two CPE devices either end of the Pseudowire with Level 4 MEP's running CC and the MEP's see each other.  So I know the Pseduowire is working.  But a Linktrace between the MEP's doesn't show the MIP on the 7600.  debug ethernet cfm diagnotic doesn't show CC from the MEP's

I have a Level 4 MIP configured on ME3400 interfaces, also in the path, and I see them.

Am I missing something.  Has anyone tried this.

1 Reply 1

Level 1
Level 1

Have you opened a TAC case for it ?

Can you share output of:

show module 1