I wanted to know the G.SHDSL interface of Cisco 888K9 router, but I couldn't find any interfaces having the ifType=shdsl (169), all I could see are the following interfaces:
ifType.1 | 77 |
ifType.2 | propPointToPointSerial (22) |
ifType.3 | propPointToPointSerial (22) |
ifType.4 | ethernetCsmacd (6) |
ifType.5 | ethernetCsmacd (6) |
ifType.6 | ethernetCsmacd (6) |
ifType.7 | ethernetCsmacd (6) |
ifType.8 | other (1) |
ifType.9 | propVirtual (53) |
ifType.10 | 75 |
ifType.11 | 63 |
ifType.12 | 81 |
ifType.13 | 81 |
ifType.14 | 131 |
I need help in finding the G.SHDSL port (OID) in the MIB
Appreciate your help.
PS: I am new to the forum. Moderators please post if it in the correct section if I posted it incorrectly.