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Ciscoworks LMS Tomcat and Apache service did not start

Level 1
Level 1

Tomcat and Apache service did not start after LMS (version 2.6) is restarted.

We started Apache service manually (from Windows services), but Tomcat still is not working.

19 Replies 19

Level 1
Level 1

Here are some logs ...

More logs ...

Joe Clarke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

First, NEVER start a service from the Services control panel. All CiscoWorks services must be brought up by Daemon Manager. If you ever need to control Daemon Manager, use the "net stop" and "net start" commands.

Next, post the NMSROOT/MDC/etc/regdaemon.xml file.

Ok, we started this service manually only after few unsuccesfull correct restarts. Here is regdaemon file ...

Check the Windows Event Viewer for relevant errors, and post the NMSROOT/MDC/tomcat/logs/stderr.log.

Stderr.log is empty (0KB).

We have been looking for some suspicious events, but we couldn't find anything.

On July 30, (I think at 10:43) there is event saying Tomcat unsuccesfully trying to startup for 7 times.

Do you see any hs_err* files under NMSROOT?

I will search for these files ... In the meantime, few months ago we had some minor problem with upgrading Campus Manager (something about sequence of upgrade versions).

Do you have some idea where is the problem, can we try to upgrade (or even reinstall) that application?

Start a new thread for the Campus Manager issue. You will need to include exactly what you did, and exactly what error you received.

We solved that problem, Campus Manager was working fine since then until July 30.

Can we locate what is the reason for this problem now?

We did not find any of hs_err* files under NMSROOT.

Go to The System control panel, click on Advanced, then click the Performance Settings button. Go to the Data Execution Prevention tab, and make sure DEP is set for "Turn on DEP for essentials Windows services and programs only". Then reboot.

If the problem persists, try connecting to the server's console (either directly, over VNC, or using mstsc /console), and see if any errors show up there when trying to start Tomcat.

DEP is turned on for essentials Windows programs and services only and server rebooted.

In application events, at time: 10:27:12 there is message "The Tomcat service has started", but in system event logs, in the same time, there is log "The CiscoWorks Tomcat Servlet Engine service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 2 time(s)."

I suggest you open a TAC service request so live troubleshooting can be done.