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EEM and TcL Script to Disable Inactive Ports

Level 1
Level 1

I've browsed around to the other  support strings to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I can't seem to  get this to work.  I have the latest sl_suspend_ports.tcl and  tm_suspend_ports.tcl created by Joseph Clarke from strings that verified they worked as planned.   Here are the commands I issued to register the scripts -

Directory of flash:/policies/

    9  -rwx        3101   May 3 2013 07:58:03 +00:00  sl_suspend_ports.tcl

   10  -rwx        4669   May 3 2013 07:58:44 +00:00  tm_suspend_ports.tcl

conf t

event manager directory user policy flash:/policies

event manager policy sl_suspend_ports.tcl

event manager environment suspend_ports_days 1

event manager environment suspend_ports_config flash:/susp_ports.dat

event manager policy tm_suspend_ports.tcl

#show run | inc event manager environment

event manager environment suspend_ports_days 1

event manager environment suspend_ports_config flash:/susp_ports.dat

It doesn't appear to work though.  Essentially, we have a  need to make sure all computers are always on and all ports not active  for >24 hours to be shutdown and moved to a designated vlan (I added  the 'lappend' statement to the script to specify the additional command of assigning the vlan)

I'm running 12.2(55)SE7 on Catalyst 3560s and 3750s

Is there a way to manually run the script?  Did I miss anything in the configuration?

Thanks for your help!


42 Replies 42

These are EEM Tcl policies and not tclsh scripts.  It looks like you're trying to run them through tclsh when you need to be registering them as EEM policies.

Okay, I might have misunderstood a little bit there since they are .tcl extensions. In my configurations, I have the following: 

event manager environment suspend_ports_days 1
event manager environment suspend_ports_config flash:/susp_ports.dat
event manager directory user policy "flash:/policies/suspend_ports"
event manager session cli username "STW"
event manager policy sl_suspend_ports.tcl
event manager policy tm_suspend_ports.tcl

While my directories show:

Directory of flash:/policies

Directory of flash:/policies/suspend_ports

9 -rwx 3101 Mar 2 1993 06:11:45 +00:00 sl_suspend_ports.tcl
10 -rwx 4552 Mar 1 1993 12:29:36 +00:00 tm_suspend_ports.tcl

I am not using a radius server quite just yet. Right now I'm just trying to get it to implement on a test switch that just uses a local username/password.  I'm getting no results from the EEM.

You've configured it correctly.  If the susp_ports.dat file is not being created and/or the down ports are not being shutdown, I suggest you open a new thread under for help.  This thread has gotten unwieldy.


This is what I currently have:

set cli [concat $cli [list "interface $port" "shut" "switchport access vlan XXX" "description Script Generated Shutdown"]]

I am wanting to retain the original description to the port and add the rest of the description "script generated shutdown" to it.  I have tried to use a $description as shown below but get errors:

set cli [concat $cli [list "interface $port" "shut" "switchport access vlan XXX" "description $description Script Generated Shutdown"]]

Thank you for your assistance.

You need to extract the description first.  You can do that from the output of "show int".  For example:

set output [run_cli [list "show int $port | inc Description:"]]

regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> description

Then you can use $description

Thanks for the information.  I put this into my script and it now only shutdowns that interface only and not the others.  This is how I implemented it.

set cli [list "config t"]

foreach port [array name suspend_ports] {

set output [run cli [list "show int $port switchport | inc Access Mode VLAN"]]

set output [run cli [list "show int $port | inc Description:"]]

if { ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] && ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output]  && [regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description]} {

set cli [concat $cli [list "interface $port" "shut" "switchport access vlan xxx" "Description $Description Script Generated Shutdown"]]

action_syslog msg "Shutting down port $port since it was last used on [clock format $suspend_ports($port)]"


I cannot figure out how to get this to work.  Thanks.

Your reusing $output before you process it.  Try this:

set output [run_cli [list "show int $port switchport | inc Access Mode VLAN" "show int $port | inc Description:"]]

Then change your if to:

if { ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] && ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] } {

    regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description

This is what I have now:

set cli [list "config t"]

foreach port [array name suspend_ports] {

set output [run_cli [list "show int $port switchport | inc Access Mode VLAN" "show int $port | inc Description:"]]

if { ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] && ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] } {

regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description

set cli [concat $cli [list "interface $port" "shut" "switchport access vlan xxx" "Description $Description Script Generated Shutdown"]]

action_syslog msg "Shutting down port $port since it was last used on [clock format $suspend_ports($port)]"


When I run this I get the following error:

can't read "Description": no such variable while executing "list "interface $port" shut" "switchport access vlan xxx" "Description $Description Script Generated Shutdown""

Add a conditional for Description:

if { ! [regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description] } {

    set Description {}


I still get the same error.

set cli [list "config t"]
 foreach port [array name suspend_ports] {
  set output [run_cli [list "show int $port switchport | inc Access Mode VLAN" "show int $port | inc Description:"]]
   if{!regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description] } {
    set Description {}
   if { ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] && ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] } {
    set cli [concat $cli [list "interface $port" "shut" "switchport access vlan xxx" "Description $Description Script Generated Shutdown"]]
    action_syslog msg "Shutting down port $port since it was last used on [clock format $suspend_ports($port)]"

There is a type here.  Your condition should be:

if{! [regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description] } {
    set Description {}

Thanks for letting me know about the typo.  It still didn't work the way I had it before so this is what I did and now it is working, sort of.  I notice that it does not keep the description that each port had the same.  It over writes it sometimes with the same description over multiple interfaces.  For example:

interface G1/0/1 Description 2000

Interface G1/0/2 Description 4000

After the script runs it puts this:

interface G1/0/1 Description 2000 Script Generated Shutdown

Interface G1/0/2 Description 2000 Script Generated Shutdown

This is how the code looks like now:

set cli [list "config t"]
set Description {}
 foreach port [array name suspend_ports] {
  set output [run_cli [list "show int $port switchport | inc Access Mode VLAN" "show int $port | inc Description:"]]
   if{![regexp {Description: ([^\r]+)} $output -> Description] } {
   if { ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] && ! [regexp {Access Mode VLAN: NUM} $output] } {
    set cli [concat $cli [list "interface $port" "shut" "switchport access vlan xxx" "Description $Description Script Generated Shutdown"]]
    action_syslog msg "Shutting down port $port since it was last used on [clock format $suspend_ports($port)]"



I have an issue with tm_suspendports_tcl logging-where the error log is growing to over 10mg and corrupting the ios.  Is there a way to limit the size of the error log file and keeping the a+ append file attribute? 


Thank you,


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