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LMS 3.2.1 ICServer push CPU to 100%

Level 1
Level 1


Recently I have problem with Inv. collection jobs because some time after job start CPU goes to 100% and stay like that. I can only do "pdterm ICServer" and than CPU goes to normal. I have done some troubleshoot and discovers that ICServer like to stuck on particular devices (switches), while on other devices (routers) whole job is complete without any problems. I have attached IC_Server.log with example of one unsuccessful job done on 3750 switch. Job is stuck 2 min after start. Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards,


8 Replies 8

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Maiden,

Run this command >> pdterm EnergyWise

wait for few minutes and check the CPU .

If it goes normal ,let me know.

Thanks- Afroz [Do rate the useful post] ****Ratings Encourages Contributors ****

Hello Afroj,

There isn't EnergyWise process:

C:\Users\cwsadmin>pdshow -brief

  Process               State                                     Pid

  *******               *****                                     ***

  Tomcat                Program started - No mgt msgs received    10524

  TomcatMonitor         Running normally                          12928

  Apache                Program started - No mgt msgs received    11080

  RMEDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    11172

  Proxy                 Program started - No mgt msgs received    13168

  ProcSysBus            Program started - No mgt msgs received    17264

  OpsxmlDbEngine        Program started - No mgt msgs received    10144

  OpsXMLRuntime         Program started - No mgt msgs received    4648

  CWAPublisher          Administrator has shut down this server   0

  NameServer            Program started - No mgt msgs received    9824

  NameServiceMonitor    Running normally                          4588

  EDS                   Running normally                          11256

  LicenseServer         Program started - No mgt msgs received    6784

  INVDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    13316

  FHPurgeTask           Transient terminated                      0

  FHDbEngine            Program started - No mgt msgs received    4172

  ESS                   Program started - No mgt msgs received    10896

  EssMonitor            Running normally                          12388

  EventFramework        Program started - No mgt msgs received    15756

  PMServer              Running normally                          14984

  SyslogCollector       Program started - No mgt msgs received    15716

  EPMDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    1368

  EPMServer             Running normally                          3616

  FHServer              Running normally                          10740

  diskWatcher           Running normally                          15052

  DFMMultiProcLogger    Program started - No mgt msgs received    17048

  DFMLogServer          Program started - No mgt msgs received    13124

  DFMCTMStartup         Administrator has shut down this server   0

  DfmBroker             Program started - No mgt msgs received    4152

  DfmServer             Running normally                          15852

  DfmServer1            Running normally                          4900

  DCRDevicePoll         Transient terminated                      0

  CSSCPServer           Program started - No mgt msgs received    5148

  CSRegistryServer      Running normally                          7616

  CSDiscovery           Never started                             0

  CmfDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    9904

  CmfDbMonitor          Running normally                          11720

  DCRServer             Running normally                          8484

  CMFOGSServer          Program started - No mgt msgs received    14232

  CampusOGSServer       Program started - No mgt msgs received    8820

  EssentialsDM          Running normally                          7872

  ConfigMgmtServer      Program started - No mgt msgs received    14548

  ICServer              Running normally                          6396

  RMEOGSServer          Program started - No mgt msgs received    16004

  PMCOGSServer          Program started - No mgt msgs received    12992

  TISServer             Program started - No mgt msgs received    8616

  DFMOGSServer          Program started - No mgt msgs received    9024

  InventoryCollector    Running normally                          16668

  Interactor            Program started - No mgt msgs received    9368

  InventoryCollector1   Program started - No mgt msgs received    7516

  Interactor1           Program started - No mgt msgs received    9708

  NOSServer             Running normally                          11108

  PTMServer             Running normally                          13172

  EDS-GCF               Running normally                          11856

  jrm                   Running normally                          12620

  2820                  Never started                             0

  2821                  Never started                             0

  3295                  Never started                             0

  CTMJrmServer          Running normally                          3848

  ChangeAudit           Program started - No mgt msgs received    11224

  SyslogAnalyzer        Program started - No mgt msgs received    7456

  DataPurge             Administrator has shut down this server   0

  ANIDbEngine           Program started - No mgt msgs received    6340

  ANIServer             Running with busy flag set                14464

  UTMajorAcquisition    Transient terminated                      0

  MACUHIC               Running normally                          3968

  UTLITE                Running normally                          8088

  UTManager             Running normally                          4432

  VNMServer             Program started - No mgt msgs received    16680

  WlseUHIC              Running normally                          4712

  AdapterServer1        Program started - No mgt msgs received    6652

  AdapterServer         Program started - No mgt msgs received    3344



Hi Mladen,

what is the Size of RME database.

Can you send the screenshot of /NMSROOt/CSCOPx/database/rmeng

Also have you seen any pattern or any specific device like 3750 which is causing issue while inventory polling.

as there are Bugs related to this.


Thanks- Afroz [Do rate the useful post] ****Ratings Encourages Contributors ****

Hello Afroj,

If I made right conclusion ICServer have problems with switches where some changes in inventory are detected, inventory polling jobs never stuck, only inventory collection...

2960 and 3750 cause problems.



Hi Mladen,

Enable the debugging for the Inventory Collection process as follows:
    Please look for the IC_Server.log (NMSROOT\log\), clean the contents of
the files, 
    and save them and after that enable debugging:
    a. RME -> Admin -> System Preferences -> Loglevel Settings, specify the
    -- Application = ICServer
    -- Inventory Collection Service = DEBUG
    -- Inventory User Interface = DEBUG
    -- Inventory Collection Jobs = DEBUG
    -- Click Apply
   b. Redo the Inventory Collection for 1 of the (3750 and 2960) device : RME ->
Devices -> Inventory -> Inventory Jobs.
   c.  Once the job is finished, send me the following:
   -- $NMSROOT\log\IC_Server.log


Thanks- Afroz [Do rate the useful post] ****Ratings Encourages Contributors ****

Hello Afroj,

Job is started at 1:05pm, cpu goes to 100% around 1:07pm/1:08pm. Pdterm ICServer is executed at 1:15pm.

Hi ,

Configure the below SNMP VIEW on one of the 3750 and then run the inventroy and check the CPU.

snmp-server view cutdown iso included snmp-server view cutdown ciscoFlashMIB excluded snmp-server community view cutdown RO

Thanks- Afroz [Do rate the useful post] ****Ratings Encourages Contributors ****

Hello Afroj,

Done, but without improvement.



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