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real life network engineer role examples

andrew breen
Level 1
Level 1

Hello everyone

This maybe a silly question. But I am looking to speak with an experienced network engineer as I am now looking to move into just a network engineer role and would like to understand;

Some real life examples of what type of daily work a network engineer will actually do? Its been a few years since I did the CCNA so will need to revisit that course. I would like to know what daily tasks typical network engineers do exactly? I mean there's so much to a network engineer role, so much to learn. If someone could give help and advice that would be greatly appreciated

2 Replies 2

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
There are many activities for network engineers with CCNA certificaction, So I will glad to share my experience as network engineer in an administrative possition with CCNA knowledge. I was in a project which was called Mexico Connected, in this case I supervised and analyzed the documentation that sustained the correct installation and operation of the equipment in according to the normative methods set by Cisco. Moreover I released the number of documentation to the customer defined in the project weekly scope.
Now a days I´m in a engineer that is giving support to service proviers to their ASR equipment, solving their problems and improving their configurations.

Thanks for that Farcosre

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