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Replies on RME3.5

Level 3
Level 3

It looks like I need to on 1 of my 3 RME servers. I have a recent export of all the devices that can be reimported to get the device attributes back.

When I run the command,

what else will be lost?

what files can I make copies of before running the command to be able to get the created users back and such?

4 Replies 4

Joe Clarke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee only reinitializes the ANI database. If you want to reinitialize RME, you will need to run When you reinitialize the RME database, you will lose inventory, configurations, syslogs, software images, and change audit records. While the configs and software images will be left on the disk, they will not be usable as the database no longer has records for them.

Let me mnake sure I have this right -

If I have RME running on a single server w/ no other apps, there is 1) an ANI DB and 2)an RME DB. will reinitialize ANI where will reinitialize RME?

Is this correct?

no, not in all points ...

ANI db is the db from Campus Manager,

RMENG (or just RME in previous versions of LMS) is the db from Resource Manager and

CMF is the db from Common Services

so having just RME installed on a server and thus also Common Services you will have the following databases:

rmeng, cmf

for solaris

cd /opt/CSCOpx/bin

./perl ./ listdsn

or windows

cd C:\Progra~1\CSCOpx\bin

.\perl.exe .\ listdsn

will give you a list of the installed databases on the server

(assuming that LMS is installed in the default paths)

without any args, it shows how to use it

to reinit just the RME db you will have to run

/opt/CSCOpx/perl /opt/CSCOpx/bin/ dsn=rmeng dmprefix=RME npwd=your_new_PW

where the last option (npwd=...) is optional but will set the DB password as you define

In most cases it is not necessary to reinit the Common Services db (cmf db)

You are correct, that will reinitialize ANI database or with the -ut option it will just whipe out the User Tracking tables from ANI db

and can reinitialze the RME db (or any other LMS db when used with the correct values for the arguments, use it with no args to see the help)

A few corrections. This is RME 3.5, so the RME database is called simply "rme". In LMS 2.2, the CMF database only really holds the JRM entries and the Campus Manager topology groups, so reinitializing it is cheap.

Using with any arguments other than -restore is a BAD IDEA. The extra arguments to only really became safe in LMS 3.0.

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