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Working with TAC on EEM script - failing

Level 4
Level 4

Never runs.

event manager applet AT958

event timer cron cron-entry "01 13 * * *"

action 0.1 cli command "enable"

action 1.1 cli command "term length 0"

action 1.2 cli command "show clock | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 1.3 cli command "show ip int brief | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 1.4 cli command "show ip eigrp neighbors | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 1.5 cli command "show ip eigrp interfaces | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 2.1 cli command "show ip route | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 2.2 wait 5

action 2.3 cli command "show ip arp | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 2.4 wait 3

action 3.1 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 3.2 wait 2

action 3.3 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 3.4 wait 2

action 3.5 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 3.6 wait 2

action 3.7 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 3.8 wait 2

action 4.1 cli command "show tech | append bootflash:AT958.TXT"

action 4.2 wait 20

action 4.3 syslog msg "Finished logging information to file system:AT958.txt..."

Embedded Event Manager Version 3.20

Component Versions:

eem: (v320_backlog)3.0.6

eem-gold: (v320_throttle)1.0.4

eem-call-home: (v320_throttle)1.2.0

Event Detectors:

Name                Version   Node        Type   

application         01.00     node3/0     RP     

rf                  01.00     node3/0     RP     

identity            01.00     node3/0     RP     

mat                 01.00     node3/0     RP     

neighbor-discovery  01.00     node3/0     RP     

routing             03.00     node3/0     RP     

syslog              01.00     node3/0     RP     

cli                 01.00     node3/0     RP     

counter             01.00     node3/0     RP     

interface           01.00     node3/0     RP     

ioswdsysmon         01.00     node3/0     RP     

none                01.00     node3/0     RP     

oir                 01.00     node3/0     RP     

snmp                01.00     node3/0     RP     

timer               01.00     node3/0     RP     

snmp-object         01.00     node3/0     RP     

snmp-notification   01.00     node3/0     RP     

test                01.00     node3/0     RP     

config              01.00     node3/0     RP     

env                 01.00     node3/0     RP     

gold                01.00     node3/0     RP     

rpc                 01.00     node3/0     RP    

We can get a very basic script to run. 

event manager applet TEST

event timer cron cron-entry "19 13 * * *"

action 1.0 syslog msg "EEM is WORKING"

Feb  4 13:19:00.009 PST: %HA_EM-6-LOG: TEST: EEM is WORKING

3 Replies 3

Vishesh Verma
Level 1
Level 1

Hi Chris,

I Tested it and found that it is not the script that is failing. It is the filesystem that is not supporting the appending.

R2#show ip int br | append bootflash://test.txt

% Appending is not supported in this file system

So I tried to use an ftp server to export the data....Just like following and it works. There was just one problem that my ftp server was kind of slow so I had to add action x.y wait after every cli command to capture all the data and sometimes it wouldn't capture all of it.

Check if the platform supports -

R2#show ip int br | redirect bootflash://test.txt          <<          With this we will have to create multiple files it won't append and remove the previous data in the file

R2#show ip int br | tee /apend bootflash://test.txt

event manager applet AT958

event timer cron cron-entry "01 13 * * *"

action 0.1 cli command "enable"

action 1.1 cli command "term length 0"

action 1.2 cli command "show clock | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 1.3 wait 1

action 1.4 cli command "show ip int brief | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 1.5 wait 2

action 1.6 cli command "show ip eigrp neighbors | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 1.7 wait 2

action 1.8 cli command "show ip eigrp interfaces | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 1.9 wait 2

action 2.1 cli command "show ip route | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 2.2 wait 2

action 2.3 cli command "show ip arp | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 2.4 wait 2

action 3.1 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 3.2 wait 2

action 3.3 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 3.4 wait 2

action 3.5 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 3.6 wait 2

action 3.7 cli command "show proc cpu sorted | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 3.8 wait 2

action 4.1 cli command "show tech | append ftp://test:cisco@"

action 4.2 wait 20

action 4.3 syslog msg "Finished logging information to file system:AT958.txt..."

Vishesh Verma
Level 1
Level 1

And you can use following show commands for verification -

show event manager history events

show event manager statistics policy

- Vishesh

Joe Clarke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

This applet will not work as it will timeout before it finishes.  You will need to at least config:

event timer cron cron-entry "01 13 * * *" maxrun 60

On top of that, you may need to configure:

event manager session cli username USER

If you are using command authorization, where USER is a username authorized to run all of these commands.

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